Technology Working Group - March 14, 2016
Jason Coposky, Chief Technologist
- 4.2 Update
- Update on CI
- Update on the new configuration and build system
- Standardized Message Bus Format
- 4.3 - GQv2 and The Next Roadmap
iRODS 4.2 Update
Rule Engine Plugins
- Moving Native Rule engine entirely to a plugin
- Plugins now running user-land rules (irule)
- Security concerns related to irule
- C++ Default rule engine plugin
New Rule Engines
- Python
- JavaScript
- Haskell
iRODS 4.2 Update
Single Server Build
- No longer build an IES or Resource Server
- Servers have roles - provider, consumer or proxy
API Plugins - New Serialization
- API Plugins & Static APIs now trigger dynPEPs
- Full serialization of parameters to the PEP
- Everything routed as std::map of std::strings
- Out variable string still supported for communication of state
- parameters re-serialized for post-PEP
Build and Configuration
Updates to CI & Build System
- CMake
- CPack
- Federation & Plugin testing
- Repository for external dependencies
- Internal version system
New Configuration Framework
- New pure python framework
- Updates to schema(s) now done by irodsctrl
Standardization of Message Bus Format
Events vs. Policy Enforcement Points
- A large collection of PEPs may route to a single event
- Open/Write/Close vs Put
Consolidate Effort across existing deployments
- Cyverse Discovery Environment
- Hydroshare
Package Capabilities into install-able components
- Search
- Notification
iRODS 4.3 Roadmap
Focus on backlog
- Harden 4.2 features
- Work off build-up of existing bugs and enhancements
Expose GenQuery v2 as Experimental Service
- Expose as a new API plugin while it is hardened
Refactor existing GenQuery facility
- Use a proper parser via Flex & Bison
- Possible optional code generation for GQv2
Technology Working Group - March 14, 2016
By jason coposky
Technology Working Group - March 14, 2016
- 2,237