Adapters and Serializers

  1. Overview of Use
  2. Overview of Customization
  3. Using Adapters
  4. Customizing Adapters
  5. RESTAdapter
  6. JSONAPIAdapter
  7. Using Serializers
  8. Customizing Serializers
  9. RESTSerializer
  10. JSONAPISerializer

A 10(?)-part series

Adapters and Serializers

  1. Overview of Use
  2. Overview of Customization
  3. Using Adapters
  4. Customizing Adapters
  5. RESTAdapter
  6. JSONAPIAdapter
  7. Using Serializers
  8. Customizing Serializers
  9. RESTSerializer
  10. JSONAPISerializer

A 10(?)-part series





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Adapters and Serializers

  1. Overview of Use
  2. Overview of Customization
  3. Using Adapters
  4. Customizing Adapters
  5. RESTAdapter
  6. JSONAPIAdapter
  7. Using Serializers
  8. Customizing Serializers
  9. RESTSerializer
  10. JSONAPISerializer

A 10(?)-part series

Adapters and Serializers

  1. Overview of Use
  2. Overview of Customization
  3. Using Adapters
  4. Customizing Adapters
  5. RESTAdapter
  6. JSONAPIAdapter
  7. Using Serializers
  8. Customizing Serializers
  9. RESTSerializer
  10. JSONAPISerializer

A 10(?)-part series

Starting from "Scratch": Serializers

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Serializer.extend({
    serialize(snapshot, options){
        // code here

    normalizeResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType){
        // code here

    normalize(modelClass, resourceHash){
        // optional
        // code here

Starting from "Scratch": Adapters

import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Adapter.extend({
    findRecord(store, type, id, snapshot){},
    createRecord(store, type, snapshot){},
    updateRecord(store, type, snapshot){},
    deleteRecord(store, type, snapshot){},
    findAll(store, type, sinceToken){},
    query(store, type, query){},

    //optional, to increase speed
    findMany(store, type, ids, snapshots){}



  • attrs
  • primaryKey 
  • normalizeX
  • serializeX 
  • keyForX
  • extractX
  • modelNameFrom-


Each method is a leverage point

that strategically interacts with other methods

JSONSerializer vs Others

Method Added in
pushPayload REST && JSONAPI
payloadKeyFromModelName REST && JSONAPI
keyForPolymorphicType REST

Mostly the same (except)


  • namespace
  • host 
  • headers
  • buildUrl 
  • urlForX
  • findX
  • (create/delete/update)Record
  • generateIdForRecord
  • groupRecordsForFindMany
  • handleResponse
  • is(Invalid/Success)
  • pathForType
  • query(X)
  • serialize
  • shouldReloadX
  • sortQueryParams


Exactly the same

Adapters and Serializers

By Jeffrey Biles

Adapters and Serializers

  • 2,430