Substance - Use and Abuse
Overview & Facts
-Scopolamine is considered one of the world's scariest Drugs.
-It is made by extracting the powders from the Borrachero tree
-Colourless, Odorless and Tasteless
- 1 Gram of Scopolamine is the exact same thing as 1 gram of Cocain (Same Density, Weight, Look)
-Once under the effect, it can last from a couple of hours to never wearing off
- Victims have a loss of memory
-Mainly found in Columbia and used by criminals
-Very delicate and hard to retrieve
-Complete Loss of free will (Unable to say "There is something wrong with this")
-Zombie-like state
-1 gram can kill up to 15 people
Common Side Effects of Scopolamine (SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM)
Dry mouth or dry skin
Blurred vision(eye pain or redness, increased sensitivity to light, hallucinations, unusual thoughts or behaviors)
Dilated pupils
Dry or itchy eyes
Decreased sweating
- Itching, swelling in your face and hands, or swelling or tingling in your mouth or throat, chest tightness, difficulty breathing
- Difficulty speaking
- Flushing or redness in your face, neck, arms or upper chest
- Rapid heartbeats
- Confusion, or behavior changes (Loss of memory)
- Difficulty urinating
- Dilated pupils, accompanied by pain and redness of the eyes
- Elimination of free will
-Secretly put into drinks
-Applied on the tip of a cigerette
-And can be blown/smelled in to the victim's face
-This drug is mainly used by criminals to rob, rape, or kill a victim
Why should you avoid Scopolamine?
Scopolamine is overall a very scary drug. The victim loses the capacity for free will and loses all memory regarding what occurred which is why the drug is very common. This drug makes the offender easily drug the victim. The offender can blow the powder in your face, or clandestinely pour in your drink. Many scopolamine criminal acts include robbing, raping, and killing Here is a story of a victim of scopolamine -
"American living in Colombia, in 2009 my drink was spiked with Scopolamine which completely altered my state of mind but not to the point of losing consciousness. It was a surreal experience which ended up in me inviting two strangers to my apartment who proceeded to steal all my valuables without being able to resist."
-When walking down the street, be aware with what is going on around you
-Do not accept any drink or smell anything that a stranger may give you
-If you see suspicious people, walk away
WARNING : If uncomfortable seeing Detached body parts, bones, flesh, or rotted skin best not continue to this part.
Overview & Facts
-High lasts up to 90 minutes
-Cheaper Heroin knockoff
-Known as "Krokodil" (Flesh-Eating Drug)
-Users develop greenish, scale-like, damaged skin (Like a crocodile's)
-Addicts are low due to users dying within 2 years
-Heroin users turn to Desomorphine when they don't have the money to support their Heroin addict
-Made in Russia
-All ingredients can be bought at pharmacy's
- 10 times more potent and 3 times more toxic than Heroin
Common Side Effects of Desomorphine
- Disruption of endocrine system
- Muscle destruction
- Bone damage
- Nervous system damage
- Inflammation of liver and kidneys
- Ulcers that will not heal
- Withered arms & legs
- Veins used for injection burn up
- Abscesses and gangrene
- Overall collapse of health
- High phosphorus levels
-Injected in vein using syringe
-Users take Desomorphine when they cannot support their heroin addict
Why should you avoid Desomorphine?
Desomorphine is an incredibly dangerous drug. As shown in the images, your skin will begin to rot inside out and you will die within 2 years. This drug is 10 times potent and 3 times more toxic than heroin. As shown in the effects, this drug pretty much destroys everything in you.
-Stay away from suspicious people as well as full syringes on the ground
Thanks For Watching!!!
By jerick
- 1,310