St. Louis Arch

By: Jewelia Hutton


  • height: 630 ft
  • width: 630 ft
  • cost: $13 million to build
  • the arch is 63 stories tall (each 10 ft)
  • there are 142 sections to the arch
  • shape: catenary curve 
  • the equation of the curve is y=k cosh(x/k) and k is the y-intercept.
  • there are 1,076 steps
  • stairs are for maintenance and emergencies only, visitors can not walk up or down them.
  • the viewing area at the to can hold up to 160 people and there is not facilities in this area.
  • Another name for the arch is " The Gateway Arch."

more facts: 

  • The arch is the tallest national monument in the United States.
  • Construction on the arch began February 12, 1963 and ended October 28, 1965.
  • The arch weighs 17,246 tons and 900 tons of stainless steel was used to build the arch.
  • On July 10, 1967, the arch was opened to the public.
  • The base of the legs are 54 ft wide and the top of the arch is 17 ft wide. 


The arch was built as a memorial to Thomas Jefferson, the arch played as the gateway to the West.

Who Built the Arch?

  • Architect-  Eero Saaeinen
  • Structural engineer- Fred Severud

Other pictures:

Real world parabolas:

more real world parabolas:

sources for information:

  • I also used Google Images!

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Made By: Jewelia Hutton
Class Period: 2nd
Reason it was made: parabola project
For what class: Math 1b
Teacher: Mr.Cribb
(hes awesome!)
Date: 3.30.2014

St. Louis arch

By Jewelia Hutton

St. Louis arch

  • 1,789