Multiple Inheritance


TypeScript Interfaces

Multiple Inerhitance

Just like it object's prototype inheriting from multiple other objects prototoypes.

JavaScript doesn't natively support multiple inheritance, but we can use a design pattern called a mixin.

A mixin you say?

mixin is a design pattern where you iterate over multiple objects properties to combine them into a single new object. 

function extend(destination, source) {
  for (var k in source) {
    if (source.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
      destination[k] = source[k];
  return destination; 

And now you have multiple inheritance.

This method allows us to inherit from (extend) as many other object's as we want.

function extend(destination, source) {
  for (var k in source) {
    if (source.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
      destination[k] = source[k];
  return destination; 
function Taco(){

} = function(){
    /*do stuff*/ 

function Beans(){

Beans.prototype.cook = function(){
    /*do stuff*/ 

function Guacomole(){

Guacomole.prototype.spread = function(){
    /*do stuff*/ 

extend(Taco.prototype, Beans);


By using the extend function to implement the mixin pattern we created references to the super prototype methods.

Also notice that we don't inherit a constructor with the mixin

Since we're adding methods to the objects existing prototype, without Object.create() to assign a new prototype object, the constructor remains intact.

var canFly = function() {
  this.price = 9.99;
  this.takeOff = function() {
    //fly baby
  return this;

var isSubmersible = function() {
  this.oxygenTanks = 4;
  this.dive = function() {
      //go deep
  return this;

var Car = function(opts) {
  this.wheels = 4;
  if ( {;
  if (opts.swim) {;

var flyingSubmaringCar = new Car({ fly : true, swim : true });

"A mixin should be a process not an object"

Although this achieves multiple inheritance best practice says:

"Something that adds behavior"

Interfaces (TypeScript)

Mixins allowed us to inherit behavior from multiple objects...

...Interfaces allow us to define a contract.

If any object implements an interface it must provide certain behavior and properties

If you wanna be in the band, you gotta wear the makeup bro...

Easiest Way To Remember  Interfaces 

//we could define an interface for a Car class such that 
//every car must have an engine and a color like this:

interface ICar{
    engine: string;
    color: string;

//The Car class adheres to the interface ICar because it implements ICar

class Car implements ICar {
    constructor (public engine: string, public color: string) {

//Create a new instance of a car and fulfills all requirements of the ICar interface 'contract'
var hondaAccord = new Car('V6', 'green');

Remember an interface is "just a contract".

By abiding by the contract your object will implement all the requirements of the contract

class Car {
    private _basePrice: number;
    engine: IEngine;

    constructor(options: IAutoOptions) {
        this._basePrice = options.basePrice;
        this.engine = options.engine;
    drive() : number {
		return 1000;

    get price(): number {
        return this._basePrice;

    set price(value: number) {
        this._basePrice = value;

Implementing interfaces on subclasses

interface IEngine {
    start() : void;
    stop() : void;

interface IAutoOptions {
    engine: IEngine;
    basePrice: number;

interface ICanFly {
  altitude: number;
  fly() : void;

class FlyingEngine implements IEngine { 
    start() : void { }
    stop() : void { }

class FlyingCar extends Car implements ICanFly {
	altitude: number;
  constructor(options: IAutoOptions){
    this.altitude = 0;
  fly() : void {


//Create a new flying car
var fc = new FlyingCar({basePrice: 1000, 
    engine: new FlyingEngine()})

alert(fc.price); //[Alert] 1000
class Bird implements ICanFly {
	name: string;
	altitude: number;
	constructor (name: string){ = name;
		this.altitude = 100;
	fly() : void {

var fc = new FlyingCar({basePrice: 1000, engine: new FlyingEngine()})

var tweety = new Bird('Tweety');

var polly = new Bird('Polly');

var flyingThings: Array<ICanFly> = [fc, tweety, polly];

for (var i=0; i< flyingThings.length; i++) {

Verifying type with implementations


Multiple Inheritance

By Joe Karlsson

Multiple Inheritance

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