
Joel Ross

LIS 549

In this video...

  • Flexboxes!


A flexbox is an element that allows you to flexibly customize the layout of its children.

An element is made into a flexbox by giving it the display: flex CSS property.


child elements

Flexbox Properties

Customize the layout of the flexbox's children by given the flexbox additional CSS properties. For example:



Child Properties

You can also customize the children of the flexbox (the elements that are inside the box) by giving them additional CSS properties. For example:


Flexbox vs. Children

Don't get the flexbox (sometimes called the flex container) mixed up with the child elements (sometimes called the flex items) that are inside of it! 

  • The flexbox specifies how its children are positioned.
  • The child elements specify how much space they should take up.

Nesting Flexboxes

A flexbox can contain other flexboxes inside of it!

That is: a child of a flexbox can itself be a flexbox (specifying how its children are positioned).

But a flexbox only influences its children, not its grandchildren! A flexbox lays out its child boxes; what happens inside those boxes is their own business.

Using Flexboxes

Flexboxes are great solutions for:

  • Centering block elements (use justify-content)
  • Creating "columns" for a page"
  • Making an element fill a space larger than its content (use flex-grow)
  • ... and more!


Flexboxes are not great solutions for:

  • Having block elements stack on top of each other (just use normal elements!)
  • Adding specific spacing between elements (use margin/padding)
  • ... doing anything else that the browser does by default!


By Joel Ross


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