Avoiding people together

By: Dillon Easter



  • Hiking in Washington can get really crazy
  • I don't go hiking to feel like I'm in the city
  • Is it even worth it at this point?

Rattlesnake Ridge

The Problem:

How can I avoid the crowds when I go hiking?

The Solution:

Let's predict when people go hiking!

How do I predict trail traffic?

  • Google Trends API - Interest over time
  • Pick a day, analyze over 9 months
  • Translate that data for the user


Stretch Goals

  • Gathering more data for predictions; Instagram
  • Incorporating picture sharing
  • More advanced searching options

Tech Stack

  • Expo
  • React
  • React-Native
  • React-Native-Elements
  • React-Navigation
  • Redux/React-Redux
  • REI Hiking Project API
  • Axios
  • BCrypt.js
  • Cors
  • Express
  • Google Trends API
  • JWT
  • Knex
  • Morgan
  • Nodemon
  • Heroku

Front End:

Back End:

Thank you!

By: Dillon Easter



Hermit Presentation

By John Easter

Hermit Presentation

  • 409