by José Galaz

We presented at terra numerica: this museum at Sophia Antipolis...


(zoom a nuestras caras ...)



En tsunamilab podemos generar un terremoto, cambiar la magnitud, la ubicación y rotar el globo


El propósito es enseñar cómo son los tsunamis y por qué son importantes para la alerta temprana y la gestión de riesgos

I started the project with a prototype running on my computer

It got rewarded at Chile-Diseño

With that version we also explored how it would perform on large tiled displays to visualize and compare scenarios

But it did not do so well on science fairs, so we explored some options 

A "hologram"....

cool but hard to look at and lacked interaction

A round table, the pool...

Good accesibility to listen to, but the interactivity was cumbersome

Also the structure was way too heavy and would degrade easily over time

A PlayStation Controller (PSMove-PS Eye)



Presented at Future ES



Great: the interactivity results in a more engaging teacher/learner experience even at different ages

Some  drawbacks:

- hard to mantain 

- battery lasts ~1h

- users need to spend some effort to learn how to interact

A Leapmotion Controller

Very attractive futuristic-like experience where all commands are issued by moving hands in the air

Robust and to


By José Galaz