

By. Julie Le

2nd Hour

Where Cheetahs' Are Found

Cheetahs' are mostly found in Sub-Saharan Africa and in eastern and southern African park.


What is the Climate like where Cheetah Lives

Cheetahs' prefer a habitat with a dry climate, since low humidity and rainfall often correspond with a low level of vegetation.

What is The Vegetation like where cheetah lives

What the vegetation is like where cheetah it has trees bushes long or tall grass

What does my organism eat?

Gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas , and smaller hoofed in its habitat

What does Cheetahs' prey eat


short grasses, and shoots, herbs, bushes, shrubs,

What eats cheetahs'?

Cheetahs' are attacks by larger predators such as lions, hyenas, and leopards

What are current population estimates for cheetahs'

Well An estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs' remain in the wild Africa. Iran there are around 200 cheetahs' living in small isolated population

how many cubs or young does it have at time & does it give live birth? or lay eggs?

Well Female cheetahs' only give birth about every 18 months, and it gives live birth

This is my Energy Pyramid




Wildebeest calves



By julianle


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