fastText Overview!


A Python library for efficient text classification and word representation


  • An extension of word2Vec library.
  • Overcome drawbacks like-
  1. No Sentence representation.
  2. Not exploiting morphology.
  • Simple to use and much faster.    


  • Can learn either unsupervised, training on unstructured data or in supervised manner, from series of labelled docs.
  • Incorporates two research methodologies-
  1. Enriching word vectors with subword info (Unsupervised) .
  2. Bag of tricks for efficient text classification (Supervised) .
  • Performance is in par with "Deep Learning" algorithms but training time is much lower than them.    


  • cbow, skip-gram and bow text classification are instances of this model.

cbow - Given many words predict a word.

skip-gram -Given a word predict a word.

bow text classification- Given many words predict a label.

fastText Applications

  • To classify the text into various categories. e.g. Art Opiate is an online magazine that is published on a quarterly basis and features young artists with their creations. The category it belongs to can be art, magazine etc.
  • Word representations with character-level features.

fastText Applications

  • To classify the text into various categories. e.g. Art Opiate is an online magazine that is published on a quarterly basis and features young artists with their creations. The category it belongs to can be art, magazine etc.
  • Word representations with character-level features.


  • To classify the text into various categories.



By Kajal Puri


  • 787