Karl Tynan
Senior Software Engineer and #Umbraco lover. I also help organise meetups for @umBristol
{ propertyEditors: [ { alias: "Gibe.Test", name: "Test", editor: { view: "~/App_Plugins/GibeTest/test.html", hideLabel: false, valueType: "JSON" } } ], javascript: [ "~/App_Plugins/GibeTest/test.controller.js" ] }
<div class="gibe-test" ng-controller="Gibe.TestController"> <p class="input-prefix">£</p> <input class="input umb-editor" type="text" ng-model="model.value" /> <p ng-show="model.value"> {{model.value}} </p> </div>
angular.module("umbraco") .controller("Gibe.TestController", function($scope, assetsService) { // do some other angular js stuff here... // don't forget Umbraco already has jQuery & jQuery.UI // load in CSS for view assetsService.loadCss("/App_Plugins/GibeTest/test.css"); } );
/* useful to prefix with a unique class */ .gibe-test .input { width: 300px; } .gibe-test .input-prefix { background: #eee; color: #888; display: inline-block; margin: 0 -5px 0 0; padding: 5px 10px; }
at beginning in package.manifest
in database
in web.config
By Karl Tynan
A front end developers guide to creating Umbraco 7 property editors to help improve the back office experience for content editors.
Senior Software Engineer and #Umbraco lover. I also help organise meetups for @umBristol