Introduction to gRPC and Protobuf

gRPC - gRPC Remote Procedure Call

What is gRPC ?

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework

gRPC features

Simple service definition

Works across languages and platforms

C, C++, Java, Go, Node.js, Python, PHP, C#, Dart and Ruby

Start quickly and scale

Bi-directional streaming and integrated authentication

Create a simple addition gRPC service which adds two numbers

Data interchange format for our gRPC service?

Protocol Buffers

Language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data

Can we define a contract between gRPC client and server ?

Protocol Buffers can help you define service interfaces

Demo to create proto file

Demo to auto generate source code for gRPC service and client

Coding gRPC service with golang

Coding gRPC client with Node.js

Thank You!


Resource Credits

Getting started with gRPC

By Karuppiah N

Getting started with gRPC

  • 95