Git Workshop
CodeHub Bristol
13 October 2016
Katja Durrani
David Moody

Fundamental Git Workflow

From Pro Git by Chacon/Straub
also called Index

Lifecycle of a File
From Pro Git by Chacon/Straub
= Index!
(also --cached)
Basic commands
git init # initiate a git repository inside the current project
git add . # add all files in the working directory to the staging area
git commit -m "message" # commit all the files in the staging area
git commit -a -m "message" # this combines adding all TRACKED files to the
# staging area and committing them
git rm # remove a file from the Index and from disk
# might need -f flag, if file has been changed
git rm --cached # remove a file only from the staging area/index,
# not from disk
git add -A # add everything in the working directory, including
# deletion of files, to the staging area
git add -p # Add patches of code individually
# ("Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?")
git status # show staged, tracked and untracked files
# Also consider starting a .gitignore file, or perhaps you have a default .gitignore
# file ready
HEAD is a reference to the current commit.
This can be either indirectly through a symbolic reference (for example refs/heads/master) pointing to the commit at the tip of a branch
-- or it can point directly to a commit. In that case the HEAD is in detached state.
What does this mean?
git diff HEAD..HEAD~5

Finding your way round
- Log
- Diff
Git log
git log --oneline # info on each commit abbreviated to one line
git log -n 4 # display only the last 4 commits
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline # nice graphical display of all
# branches and their heads
# put it in an alias!
Git diff
git diff # show what's in WORKING DIRECTORY compared to INDEX
git diff --cached # what's in INDEX compared to HEAD
git diff HEAD # what's in WORKING DIRECTORY + INDEX compared to HEAD
git diff HEAD~3..HEAD # shows diffs that are in the right hand commit
# compared to the commit on the left
You can set a difftool (like meld, kdiff3) in the config, then use 'difftool' in your command instead of 'diff' to open it
git diff
git diff --cached
git diff HEAD
= last commit
Git diff
Undoing changes
- Revert
- Reset
- Using Reflog
Revert <commit>
=> undo the changes
introduced by that
commit, by doing the
reverse (creates extra
Reset <commit>
=> go back to the state things where at that commit;
depending on flags,
the Index and/or modified files are kept
Use reset when you want to make changes to your most recent commit:
git reset --soft HEAD^ # leaves the working directory and Index as it is
# but sets HEAD back by one commit
# If you want to correct your last commit you can also do this:
git commit --amend -m "<new message>"
You can also reset to several commits earlier (for example, create a branch from commits, set master to earlier stage)
git branch topic/wip
git reset --hard HEAD~3
git checkout topic/wip
Undo a merge like this:
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
What if I have accidentally dropped a commit?
git reflog
Use Reflog

git checkout HEAD@{11}
# to check what is in a commit
git show HEAD@{11}

Moving things around
- Branch
- Merge
- Rebase
- Cherry-pick
- Stash
git branch my_branch <start-point>
git checkout my_branch
# Shorter
git checkout -b my_branch
You can branch off from a different commit or branch than you are on!

git merge feature
# Delete the feature branch
git branch -d feature
Merging - Fast-forward
From Ry's Git tutorial
Merging - Three-way merge

From Ry's Git tutorial
Rebasing allows us to keep a linear history of a project.

From Ry's Git tutorial
git rebase <new-base>
Move the current branch’s commits to the tip of <new-base>, which can be either a branch name or a commit ID.
Perform an interactive rebase and select actions for each commit.
git rebase --continue # Continue a rebase after amending a commit.
git rebase --abort # Abandon the current interactive rebase and return the
# repository to its former state.
Continue or abort an interactive rebase
git rebase -i <new-base>

Interactive rebasing allows you to edit, move around, add and delete commits very flexibly
If we want to apply just a single commit to our current branch we can cherry-pick! It's also possible to cherry-pick a number of commits at once.
git cherry-pick <commit>

Use git stash when you want to record the current state of the working directory and the index, but want to go back to a clean working directory.
git stash <save> -m "message"
git pop # to apply and remove from stack
git stash --keep-index # keep Index intact
git stash -u # include untracked files!
git stash list # list all stashes
# ... hack hack hack ...
$ git stash
$ edit emergency fix
$ git commit -a -m "Fix in a hurry"
$ git stash pop
# ... continue hacking ...
# ... hack hack hack ...
git checkout -b my_wip
git commit -a -m "WIP"
git checkout master
# edit emergency fix
git commit -a -m "Fix in a hurry"
git checkout my_wip
git reset --soft HEAD^
# ... continue hacking ...
Stash example
Interrupted workflow to make a hotfix, the traditional way
Using stashing
Working with Remotes
- Clone
- Remote
- Fetch
- Pull
- Push
git remote -v
git remote add upstream
Check what remotes are present, add a remote
git fetch origin <newbranch>
git checkout -b <newbranch> origin/<newbranch>
How to fetch a recently added branch from the remote
If upstream and your local branch have diverged, do this:
git pull --rebase
Never use git push -f !
Now to the interactive part..
git clone
What is your favourite Git command?
Some useful links
Pro Git book
Ry's Git tutorial
Tips and Tricks
David's Dot files (check gitconfig and bashrc!)
Git-Fu by Jeff Schomay
Oh, shit, git
Git tips
Just beautiful 'The sound of the source'
CodeHub Git Workshop Oct 2016
By Katja Durrani
CodeHub Git Workshop Oct 2016
At Momentum Offices
- 2,069