A Little Bit of

Category Theory

Goes A Long Way


Abstractions without Leaks

Composition: Categories

The essence of a category is composition. Or, if you prefer, the essence of composition is a category.

—Bartosz Milewski

What is a Category?




Two Laws of a Category

1. Composition of morphisms is associative

2. An identity morphism exists for every object

Refresher: Associativity

("a" + "b") + "c"
= "a" + "b" + "c"
= "a" + ("b" + "c")

Theory Applied

Function Composition

λfλgλx.(f (g x))
var compose = function(f, g) {
    return function(x) {
        return f(g(x));

Is this composible?

Code that composes

Compiler composition


module Compiler

let compile =
    >> Parser.parse
    >> Binder.bind
    >> OptimizeBinding.optimize
    >> IlGenerator.codegen
    >> Railway.map OptimizeIl.optimize
    >> Railway.map Il.toAssemblyBuilder

Functional Programming is Math... so it must only be in its prime for stuff like financial software, right?


Functional Programming is Math... so it must only be in its prime for stuff like financial software, right?

Algebraic Data Types

type ParseResult =
    | Success of Token * string
    | Failure of Error




first : (A, B) -> A
first (a, b) = a

second : (A, B) -> B
second (a, b) = b
data AorB =
    OnlyA A
  | OnlyB B

My Journey Into FP


Map and endofunctors

map : Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

safeLength : Maybe String -> Maybe Int
safeLength maybeStr = map length maybeStr

render : Signal UIState -> Signal HTML
render signal = Signal.map stateToHtml signal

Wadler and Java Generics

List v = new ArrayList();
Integer i = (Integer)v.get(0);
List<String> v = new ArrayList<>();
Integer i = v.get(0);


Runtime: Boom!

Compiler: Uh, no.

Problem Solving

1. Compose atomic solutions

2. Lift the result a level of abstraction

3. Treat it as an atomic solution & repeat

0. Decompose big problems

Software Design

State -> Event -> (State, Event)
State -> Request -> (State, Response)
State -> Projection

Testing Software






For Further Reference


Just a Little

A Little Bit of Category Theory Goes a Long Way

By Keith Pinson

A Little Bit of Category Theory Goes a Long Way

Composition is the sweet spot in programming. The longtime wisdom in the object-oriented community (for those willing to listen) has been "Favor composition over inheritance." Functional programming is fundamentally compositional, and so is the internet. This talk will use category theory to unpack the how and why of composition and argue we should wholeheartedly embrace it at all levels of abstraction. Don't worry if you are intimidated by abstract math; I am a category theory n00b myself and this is a practical examination rather than a deep dive. (For Pittsburgh TechFest 2016)

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