Women in Computer Science

Women in Science

Women had a significant participation on the beginnings of Informatic 

Informatics Europe: female presence arrives until 10%

Science was formalized and became a subject in the Universities 

Schiebinger: women scientists in XX century


Science was formalized and became a subject in the Universities

Schiebinger: women scientists in XX century

Computer Science

Women had a significant participation on the beginnings of Informatic

Informatics Europe: female presence arrives until 10%

Algorithm ~ Recipe

Ingredients ~ Data Input


Directions ~ Instructions


Food - Data Output

Programming Language 



Grammatical Rules

Allowed word format

Reserved words cs ~ tablespoon


Computers don't understand algorithms

Just 0's and 1's

Why is it matter?

Ada Lovelace

First algorithm processed by a machine (1842)

Grace Hooper

Mark  I Computers (eletromechanical)



First Digital Computer

Ballistic Calculations


Mary Kenneth Kelly

PhD in Computer Science

Basic Language


Marissa Mayer

CEO of Yahoo


Meg Withman

CEO of Hewlett-Packard


Sheryl Sandberg

COO (chief operating officer) of Facebook


Not because we know things could be worse that we wiil trying to imporve them

Only 17 of 195 independent countries in the world are governed by women 

Women in leadership roles are less than 14%

Concrete Obstacles: brazen or subtle chauvinism, discrimination and sexual harassment

Internal barreries

Women's lack of interest

  • Lack of female models in the area
  • They feel excluded in male-dominated (student or professional)
  • They tend o play roles associate to donation, care and interpersonal relationship: Psychology, Nutrition, Social Work an Nurse
  • The National Center for Education Statistics that Computer Science is the only course in Science in which gender disparity has increased in the last two decades

A class at the University of Pennsylvania in 1961.

Women studied technology when the profession was new in the world and still no give money. After, when it became more valued, the man began to seek their chairs. 

Google's Ideological Echo Chamber

Memo from July 2017, by a US-based Google Engineer James Damore, about Google Diversity Polices

Reverse discrimination

Gender disparity can be explained by biological differences between women and men

Originally shared on a internal mailing list, on August 5, a partial version of it was publishe by GizmodoIt results in a controversy across social media

Damore was fired by Google on August 7

And what about freedom?

Google's VP of Diversity, Danielle Brown, responded to the memo on August 8: "Part of building an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions. But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti-discrimination laws"

The intelligences of man and women are different 

  • James Flynn: when women receive that same encouragement and the same opportunities as men, they can be good as they are in any area
  • Barbara Castro: social constructions that associates technological and the exact area with the masculine universe; the recognition of IT as a dynamic area of the world economy has given it prestige and power, attracting previously disinterested men into a professionally recognized field of expertise.  


Many people think that what engineering looks like is sitting at your computer and coding like a freak


It's the art of fixing problems!


Devices are a means, not an end

Understanding the problem

Understanding people



Empathy for colleagues and customers

It's not a solitary work, sorry!!!

It’s true that women are socialized to be better at paying attention to people’s emotional needs and so on — this is something that makes them better engineers, not worse ones

"I've never seen that happen"

"Prejudice against women no longer exists, here where I work, for example..."

If you live in a universe where this does not happen, congratulations because you must have joined the best group of people in the world. What you live is a cut and not the reality of all. 


  • It's a way to think the society that you want to live in 
  • Diversity is better for business and innovation
  • We must stop propagating gender stereotypes
  • It's not a women problem, it's a society problem

"Once you took the first step, anything was possible"

Thank you :))

Women in Computer Science

By Keilla Fernandes

Women in Computer Science

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