The First Pull Request
Kent C. Dodds
1 wife, 3 kids
PayPal, Inc.
Please Stand...

What this talk is
- How to find a project you want to contribute to
- What a contribution is
- How to encourage contributors (especially first timers)
- How to make the OSS community safer, better, fun-er :-)

What this talk is not
- How to create a popular open source project
- How to make maintainers merge your Pull Request
- Why you should contribute to open source

Open Source:
Denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.

Open Source:
Powers our world, is a ton of fun to contribute to, and needs you to succeed

~/Desktop/linux (master)
🚀 $ cloc .
52880 text files.
52386 unique files.
9165 files ignored. v 1.66 T=272.34 s (160.6 files/s, 72107.3 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C 22451 2166047 2003254 11062201
C/C++ Header 17192 416883 715217 2696851
Assembly 1413 47220 110118 241449
XML 177 3441 243 49968
make 2138 8041 7756 33837
Perl 47 4559 3602 23938
Bourne Shell 173 1785 3239 9764
Python 41 1300 1443 7540
yacc 8 649 355 4357
HTML 3 398 2 2933
lex 8 292 289 1823
C++ 1 231 58 1581
Bourne Again Shell 47 294 245 1375
awk 10 132 129 1130
NAnt script 2 121 0 449
Pascal 3 49 0 231
Lisp 1 63 0 218
Objective C++ 1 55 0 189
m4 1 15 1 95
XSLT 6 13 27 71
vim script 1 3 12 27
Windows Module Definition 1 0 0 8
SUM: 43725 2651591 2845990 14140035
Files: 43,725
Blank + Comment + Code = 19,637,616
Code Contributors to Linux

Total Contributors: >3,500
We need you
This is called "burnout"

You might be thinking...
but I can't because...
How could I possibly contribute?
You can contribute a great deal!
We all have different circumstances...

A person or thing that contributes something, in particular.

A group of people ... having a particular characteristic in common

What do we have in common?

Write code
Read code
Read docs
Write docs



So... Which project?
You contribute best to something you use regularly
How to learn the codebase?

You can do it!

Every little bit helps!

Project Maintainers

Causes of burnout include
- Change of job
- Change of project
- Loss of interest
- Loss of time

Side-effects may include
- Losing context
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Frustration
- Impatience
- Unkindness


You have power to...
help newcomers become contributors...
increase diversity of thought, opinion, and background in OSS
save yourself from burnout

Give people:
- Respect
- Encouragement
- Recognition
- Responsibility
- Trust
And they'll give to you

Your Contributor Pipeline

People => Users

Solve a problem


Demos & Examples

Speak about it!
Record Screencasts
Users => Contributors

OSS === People
Global Industry

Support & Filing Bugs

Contributors => Committers

Simplify Project Setup
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm run validate
$ echo 'code away! 👍'
Beginner Friendly

First Timers Only

You're making an investment
that will definitely pay back
Volunteer Retention: Wikipedia

Gallus, Jana (2015). Fostering Voluntary Contributions to a Public Good: A Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment at Wikipedia. CREMA Working Paper No. 2015-05. Available at SSRN: @janagallus
Code contributors
Naturally rewarded

But not non-code contributors
All Contributors
Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code

Give Write Access
Committers => Maintainers

Share the keys
How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub - Free video series
How to write an Open Source JavaScript Library - Free video series
How getting into open source has been awesome for me - Blogpost
Open Source Stamina - Blogpost
First Timers Only - Blogpost
GitHub Pull Request Tutorial - Tutorial Blogpost
Try Git - Interactive intro course on git
Lodash & Open Source - JavaScript Air Podcast Episode
- - Site to find your first Pull Request
@YourFirstPR - Twitter Account
@first_tmrs_only - Twitter Account
- - Currated list of GitHub issues
Creating a Pull Request - GitHub help article
Hello World - GitHub help article
Thank you!

The First Pull Request
By Kent C. Dodds
The First Pull Request
“Feel free to submit a pull request.” For some, this is a welcome invitation, but for many developers, pull requests are intimidating, discouraging them from contributing to the community. This talk demonstrates how easy and fun it is to create a pull request as a first timer.
- 13,920