Breaking Brick Walls

2 DNA Successes

By Kitty Cooper
Blogging at

Painting of Kristiansand, Summer 1800 by J W Edy

Bergen Area Forum at the Norwegian Digital Archives

My grandmother Anna Lee

My great-grandma Maren Wold, my brick wall

Drammen, Norway where Maren was supposedly born

Maren's parents Jorgen and Anna Wold, photo from late 1800s

Maren was from Skoger not Drammen

Part of Skoger is in Vestfold county not the same county as Drammen (Buskerud)

Records from the churchbook for Skoger in Vestfold

OK did some research and told me I had the wrong parents for Anna! There were two born that year in Seljord

But when I connected her to the correct parents it seemed too distant

The new tree for Anna Knutsdatter

OK's parents' tests came in ... ----- Norway visit June 2015

With my 4th cousins found with DNA, descendants of Anna's brother

Breaking Brick Walls With DNA

By Kitty Cooper

Breaking Brick Walls With DNA

Two personal success stories of breaking genealogical brick walls with DNA

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