OERu MVP Technology Roadmap

Where to next?

Since OERu2016

We've been busy integrating new components, swapping out old ones for better ones, reinforcing existing ones, and writing down how we did it to guard against the "bus factor" and help others replicate our open technologies.


Lime Survey


WENotes Update


During MVP

Usability - develop a new Course (WordPress) theme focused on accessibility, adopting modern "adaptive layout" techniques to better support devices from mobile through desktop.

Community Source - engage with at least one technical person at each partner institution - 1 day per month - to increase depth of OERu technology support, and provide professional development opportunities for partner staff.

During MVP

Improved Course Presentation and Search - we would like to improve the OERu website and the way learners can search for (and request updates on) courses offered by the OERu and partners.

Infrastructure - implement tools to monitor our systems for bottle necks affecting our ability to achieve "Internet Scale".

Post MVP

Improve WENotes - current prototype works well, but recent developments like a new open messaging standard (Matrix), gives us the opportunity to consider new models leveraging the community. Promises easier and more robust integration of new services.

Learner Dashboard - a single identity-management service allowing learners to view their courses, their history, control personal data, review milestones & awards, and find links to other OERu and partner services.

Post MVP

Assessment Item Bank - learner-generated questions and answers. Review FOSS options and prototype using existing option (e.g. Moodle "Student Quiz" plugin) to explore automated assessment, e.g. FOSS TAO Testing.


OER Foundation 2017

Unless stated otherwise, the presentation is licensed as above. Logos are all rights reserved.

The OERu partner institutions, particularly Platinum Tier (the reason I'm here).

Thanks to eCampus Ontario and The Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University for hosting us!

The work of countless FOSS developers and collaborators on which we are building...

(especially Hakim El Hattab, on whose "Reveal.JS" slide software this presentation was built - create your own decks at https://slides.com).







Dave Lane, Open Source Technologist


OERu MVP Roadmap

By Dave Lane

OERu MVP Roadmap

Explanation of our platform, the value of "loosely coupled" and full control (only really possible with open source)

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