Study unit 6

Furture opportunities


                 Sections 2 & 2.3

Section 2

Exercises marked as homework will be closed in the next class!

welcome section + glossary section 2





Ex. 10 (translate) and KK1 (oral skills video) are marked as homework and have a deadline (before next class).



Universities are larger institutions offering both undergraduate  and graduate programs. Colleges are often smaller institutions that emphasize undergraduate education in a broad range of academic areas. Undergraduate education typically leads to a bachelor's degree, graduate programs to a master's degree.

While traditional Universities are research-driven, Polytechnics / Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) are are more practice-oriented with the goal of educating students for professional work life.

Yliopistot ovat suurempia oppilaitoksia, jotka tarjoavat sekä perustutkinto- undergraduate että jatkotutkinto- graduate ohjelmia. Korkeakoulut ovat usein pienempiä oppilaitoksia, jotka korostavat emphasize perustutkintokoulutusta laajalla broad akateemisella alueella. Perustutkintokoulutus johtaa yleensä kandidaatin tutkintoon a bachelor's degree, ja jatkotutkinto-ohjelmat maisterin tutkintoon a master's degree.

Perinteiset yliopistot ovat tutkimusvetoisia research-driven, kun taas while ammattikorkeakoulut  Polytechnics / Universities of Applied Sciences ovat käytännönläheisempiä practice-oriented ja niiden tavoitteena on kouluttaa opiskelijoita ammatilliseen työelämään.

The Finnish education system consists of

  • 1 year of compulsory pre-primary education
  • 9 years of basic education (comprehensive school)
  • upper secondary education, which consists of general and vocational education
  • higher education, provided by universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS)

​The Finnish education system has no dead-ends. Learners can always continue their studies on a higher level of education, whatever choices they make in between. Both general and vocational upper secondary certificates provide eligibility [kelpoisuus] for further studies. The practice of recognition of prior [aiempi] learning has been developed in order to avoid unnecessary overlapping of studies.

Both higher education sectors have their own profiles. The mission of universities is to conduct scientific research and provide instruction and postgraduate education based on it. Polytechnic / UAS education is professionally oriented higher education. Polytechnics / UAS train professionals in response to labour market [työmarkkinat] needs and conduct R&D (research and development) which supports instruction and promotes [edistää] regional development.
(more info)

The University of Helsinki Department of Computer Sciences offers high-quality, open, free online courses that combine theory with practical exercises and can be completed at your own pace.

  • 2.1, ex. 1: take this character test and write a
    300-400 character reaction based on the questions provided in the exercise. (info on the word character)
    Note - Make sure you choose ENGLISH when you sign up for the test! You can do the youth or the adult test.
    Count your characters here (characters WITHOUT spaces). For comparison, the introductory text on the left has 359 characters (without spaces).
    Post your reaction here. Don't forget to add your name!
  • 2.1, ex. 13: Listening Comprehension: Extrovert, Introvert - Does It Matter?
  • 2.2, ex. 15: Listening Comprehension: Official Guide for an Oxford Applicant  -- please check out the green box: "Kuullun ymmärtäminen: Monivalinnat"

Section 2.1&2.2

Note:  if you get this view in the listening comprehension exercises, hit CTRL and + to increase your font size.

Section 2.3

Study text 2.3: listen to it, read it, look up new words.

You can find the vocabulary under the text, on the left, as well as in ex. 2, on the right.

Use CTRL+F to quickly find a word in the list.

Section 2.3

Check your understanding of the text.

Read the green box with instructions on HOW to answer these kinds of questions first!

This exercise is marked as homework and must be completed before the start of the next class!

Section 2.3

Practice your vocabulary by completing exercises 5 to 10.



Next time:
pop quiz!

2. Section 2, 2.3

By Krista Kindt-Sarojärvi

2. Section 2, 2.3

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