on-line catalog of artworks from the collections of Slovak galleries

Igor Rjabinin

Slovak National Gallery




4 developers

2 digital asset managers

1 conent/web editor


Webumenia.sk is an on-line catalog of artworks from the collections of Slovak galleries

Launch: 2015 (64.000 artworks)

Elastic Search, Laravel, Bootstrap,

IIP + OpenSeaDragon ...

Getting the data in

art&artists records

collection management system OAI-PMH (oai_dc, ulan) spice harvester → db → elastic search index



IIP image server → Open Sea Dragon


making it easy

☺unified vocabulary

☺consistent data

☺one schema

Klaus and Mečiar discussing the division of Czechoslovakia at Vila Tugendhat

Czechoslovakia 1993

Made in Czechoslovakia: Alexandra Kusá (SNG) & Jan Press (Moravian gallery) at the Villa Tugendhat.Photo credit: Kiva

Czechia & Slovakia 2017

Getting (new) data in


collection management system csv csv importer→ db → elastic search index



jp2 conversion (Kakadu) → Open Sea Dragon


"it's complicated"

different language

no single vocabulary, classification, no IDs

missing artist records

more than one schema

Web umenia is being taken up by more and more galleries. There is a lively network emerging, not because of a grant scheme, or the possibility to make money, but because our colleagues see that it works and they want to make it work for them too.

Alexandra Kusá, General Director SNG


Collaboration with other institutions

Online collections landscape

Get in touch!

webumenia.sk - on-line catalog of artworks from the collections of Slovak galleries

By lab.SNG

webumenia.sk - on-line catalog of artworks from the collections of Slovak galleries

Workshop: Visualization of transnational networks in the artistic centers of the Habsburg monarchy - using the example of sculpture around 1900, Vienna

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