
  • Problem
  • What is heroku?
  • Example
  • Extra features


  • We have web application
  • And we need to deploy it to a production environment
  • Our tactic?

By steps

  • Spin up a server
  • Install all software
  • Set up permissions and access rights
  • Identify deploy/build process for our code

All this steps take too much time!

What can we do?

Use heroku

it takes care off all this steps

and allows us to deploy our app in a few minutes

Heroku is a cloud application platform which lets to host web applications and deploy updates to it over the internet.

What is it?

Heroku, one of the first cloud platforms.

It was founded in 2007.

Now Heroku is a part of the Salesforce App Cloud


 Programming languages

  • Instant Deployment with Git push
  • Add-ons (applications, databases and more)
  • Independent scaling for each component of our app
  • Each process is completely isolated from others
  • Easy access to all logging output from every component

Main features


First we need an app

Let's clone this one from heroku tutorial

$ git clone

$ cd node-js-getting-started

Next we need to create an app on Heroku

$ heroku create

Creating sharp-rain-871... done, stack is cedar-14 |
Git remote heroku added

Now git remote (called heroku) created and associated with our local git repository.

And all we need to deploy our app - is to push it

$ git push heroku master

Counting objects: 343, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (224/224), done.

Now we can open our web-app with url, or by using this handy shortcut

$ heroku open

Heroku provides very well written tutorials which allow us to start in minutes.

To learn and see more about uploadig apps visit this link

Extra features


Provides different features to the server like databases, continuous integration, performance monitoring and other

Top 10 popular Add-ons


Buildpacks automate the build processes for different languages and frameworks.

Officially Supported Buildpacks


Heroku allows us do not worry about infrastructure and just focus on our application.


Thank you for attention!


By liaukou