Linking C++ and JS with PYTHON
involving QGIS C++ APIs, PyQGIS, QWebKit and PyQt
Case study: Geosisma a QGIS plugin

Who am I
15 year working on Spatial Ground Segments
Landsat, Cryosat, MODIS, Sentinel...
Since 2006 in QGIS/GRASS
QGIS Core developer
WMS Legend support in legend and composer
Saving style in Spatialite
Add SVG support to Mapserver/SLD interface
Bug fixing
Plugin porting and developing
Founder of
Italian OSGEO Local Chapter
Co-Author of Mastering QGIS

Reviewer for
QGIS Python Programming Cookbook

QGIS (mainly C++)
PyQt (SIP bind to QT)
PyQGIS (SIP bind to QGIS)
PyQt (SIP bind to QT)
PyQGIS (SIP bind to QGIS)
What is QGIS

Geographic Information System
What is Geosisma

Online/Offline Earthquake Damage Inventory Tool
Offline Functional Specifications
Cache preparing integrating other project code
Download "Requests" based on User Credentials using REST APIs
Fill "Safety report" with "Request" data
Associate Cadastral Polygon to "Safety report"
Edit Cadastral Polygons
- The same Online behavior (zooming, auto-complete, data validation)
- Upload "Safety reports" and cadastral poligons using public REST APIs
I'm a lazy developer
reuse, reuse, reuse, reuse, reuse, reuse, reuse
What About HTML5?
Main usable feature for Geosisma Offline
- Caching (Offline capability)
- Persistence (Session and Local storage)
- Platform Independent
Re-use Online Form
Created using Django
Complex specification (Form validation and logic)
Re-using final form rendering
Minimal modifications
Follow evolution (next will be mobile)
Insert the Online form inside QGIS
...Brighton 10th QGIS Hackfest...
"first" (secret) prototype
tech available since 2011
QgisD3 by Luca Casagrande

credits: Anita Graser:
QgisD3 Python Plugin
a never published plugin

The architecture

Instantiate WebView
Configure WebView (QWebSettings)
Instantiate Bridge class
(optional) add listener to Bridges's events
Inject Bridge in JS (addToJavaScriptWindowObject)
inject JS code to evaluate (eg. a JS bridge methods - evaluateJavaScript)
WebView2Container Bridge
Def PY slots called by JS
@pyqtSlot(<params definition>)
def slotName(self, records):
(optional) define out signals - pyqtSignal()
WebView (JS)
sourcing JS bridge (Container2WebView bridge)
Luigi Pirelli - @ginetto

Licence: (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Linking C++ and JS with PYTHON involving QGIS C++ APIs, PyQGIS, QWebKit and PyQt Case study: Geosisma a QGIS plugin Geosisma : funded by Regione Toscana - Settore P revenzione Sismica Work committed by: Faunalia ( )
QGIS: Linking C++ and JS with Python
By Luigi Pirelli
QGIS: Linking C++ and JS with Python
"Geosisma offline" is QGIS plugin in which Python is used to link QGIS(c++) with web technologies (JS). Main tech used involve C++, Qt, PyQT, SIP, PyQGIS and QWebKit
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