Linking C++ and JS with PYTHON

involving QGIS C++ APIs, PyQGIS, QWebKit and PyQt

Case study: Geosisma a QGIS plugin

Linking C++ and JS with PYTHON involving QGIS C++ APIs, PyQGIS, QWebKit and PyQt Case study: Geosisma a QGIS plugin Geosisma : funded by Regione Toscana - Settore P revenzione Sismica Work committed by: Faunalia ( )

QGIS: Linking C++ and JS with Python

By Luigi Pirelli

QGIS: Linking C++ and JS with Python

"Geosisma offline" is QGIS plugin in which Python is used to link QGIS(c++) with web technologies (JS). Main tech used involve C++, Qt, PyQT, SIP, PyQGIS and QWebKit

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