Asynchronous Programming

First, some synchronous code:

Code execution is

- top to bottom

- logical

- line after line

In synchronous code, the code execution is stopped until a value is reached

- until an array is sorted...

- until a function returns a value...

- until a file is successfully all read and loaded...

Not always a return value is immediately available though

- waiting for user input

- waiting for a server to respond

- waiting for a different process/thread

- waiting for the sake of waiting (performing an action in an interval)

Waiting in a synchronous way means the entire program is stopped (frozen)

- Console.Readline();

- console.prompt();

- console.confirm();

How can we avoid that?

- callbacks

- Tasks / Promises

- Observables

- Streams

- async / await

Callback pattern

- passing/setting a function (or a lambda)

- common in languages where a function is a first-class citizen

- AJAX, Promises, Observers

- single callback pattern is usually 1:1

- Not necessarily just for asynchrony! LINQ!


Observer pattern

- one subject, more observers

- many dependants can subscribe to an event

- callback functions are added to a list

- in a key moment all callbacks are called

- subscribing doesn't mean the previous callback is replaced

Master/Slave pattern

- addEventListener(eventName, cb)

- requestAnimationFrame(cb)

- requestIdleCallback(cb)

In the browser

Callback hell

Promise/Task to the rescue

- An object that wraps a callback

- Callback can be added later

- Observer pattern

Async / await

- Syntactic sugar on top of Promises / Tasks

- eradicates .then(() => {})

- code looks synchronous 




By Martin Malinda