Code Art Scavenger Hunt

What is generative art?


Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system.


One overly simple but useful definition is that generative art is art programmed using a computer that intentionally introduces randomness as part of its creation process.

For this exercise, you are going to modify an existing generative artwork written in JavaScript.


Most of the code won't make sense and that's fine.


You will however be guided toward a few familiar concepts, and this will be enough for you to create your own version of the image.

1. Go


2. Click the > symbol next to the image to open the code editor


3. On line 4, change the background color by replacing the hex value #000. Use this tool to generate a different hex code.


4. Click the "run" button


5. Now, change any of the numbers in this line:




& then run it!

Note: HSL is a different kind of color coding. Check out this HSL calculator to learn more

6. Try changing other numbers and values. There's no "right" or "wrong" here




replace with an actual number?

7. Use the SNIPPING TOOL to take a screenshot.


8. Upload your screenshot to this form


Javascript Art Scavenger Hunt

By Michelle Lim

Javascript Art Scavenger Hunt

  • 1,098