DropBear PoC
- Diagram
- First Implementation
- Next steps
General diagram

Session & Worker Gen

Worker Gen

Worker Gen

Redis Server


Basic Procedure
- Create sessions
- Create workers
- Assign worker to session
- Assign role to worker (publisher / subscriber)
- Start the workers
- Go back to 1 until all total number of sessions has been reached, or the maximum test duration expires
Show me the code!

Next steps
- Add synthetic video/audio
- Improve Redis-related code
- Randomize publishers and subscribers duration
- Add more types of sessions, i.e.:
- 1:0 (for CDN broadcast)
- 1:N (N large)
- Add archiving:
- Individual
- Composed
- Add broadcast
- Gather statistics
Next steps (II)
- Measure CPU and Memory usage in OpenTok node(s)
- Choose an arbitrary target Mantis node (for periodic production checks)
- Detect errors based on workers' output and trigger alarms
- Custom ramp-up for workers
- Use both Mantis and P2P sessions
- Remotely wake-up machines when needed to run more clients
- Expire redis keys
- Clean up after the tests
- HTTP interface in master node to get info, stop test, ...
DropBear PoC
By Francisco Javier Cano Sandoval
- 283