Year in Review



It was an action packed and exciting first year for Data Campfire - a lot happened!

Here are some highlights!

Data Campfire Incorporated

MARCH 2016

With our Masters dissertations done, we registered our company in the UK - excited to see how far we could take the project!

FutureEverything Festival

APRIL 2016

We were delighted to be able to exhibit at the FutureEverything Festival in Manchester.


We met many interesting people and enjoyed having the opportunity to talk to them about what we were doing.

Thanks FE!

Beta Site Launched

After testing our second prototype, we created our beta site.

APRIL 2016

We included our first video that we created earlier in the year

Open Data Camp 3

Natalie attended our first Open Data Camp, leading a session with @ms_j_walker on Data Literacy

MAY 2016

Natalie also had a chance to introduce Data Campfire and demo it to the audience.

Background photo credit wnbishop

Looking forward to ODC4!

We were accepted onto the S Factory, a pre-accelerator for female-founded startups. It is a government initiative from Chile to encourage entrepreneurship in the country.

JUNE 2016

Santiago, Chile

Our home for 3.5 months

Pitching, Pivoting & People

During our time at the S Factory we explored potential business models and pivoted a few times

We practiced pitching Data Campfire regularly in the run up to Pitch Day and were selected for the finals at Demo Day held at the end of the program.

We continued our user research with surveys, interviews and user testing to dig into our users' needs.

JULY 2016

Social Impact

For the support and funding from the S Factory, we organised a giving back event where young women took part in a wearables workshop in Valparaiso.



It was a great afternoon! Everyone enjoyed it, learning how to design and prototype a wearable object with Aurdiunos.


Participants also got to learn about some of the S Factory entrepreneurs and their journeys.



Bethnal Green Ventures Accelerator

We were excited to be accepted onto Bethnal Green Ventures' accelerator where we joined 10 amazing tech startups who are trying to solve big social problems.


Our 1st Data Visualisation Challenge with

December 2016

We hosted our first Data Visualisation Challenge with Scientists for EU to try to fix the negative image of immigration using data.

The Winning Teams

Over two days, people with different backgrounds in design, data analytics and data journalism worked in teams. Each wrangled with data, produced visuals telling the story and documented how they did it.

Team Bala - Best Documentation Winners

Team Datagator - Best Aesthetics Winners

Team SOS NHS - Best From Data to Knowledge Winners

Team Working Immigrants - Best Overall Winners

We ended the year on a high


We are grateful for the individuals and organisations who have supported us in different ways along our journey so far. Thank you!


We look forward to making the most out of 2017 and hope you can join us!


All the best,

Chloe & Natalie

Thank you!

Hyper Island

Lauren Currie

Tash Wilcocks

Teesside University

DXD Crew 1 & DMM Crew 6

Simona, JL, Semhar, Daniel

Future Everything

Tom Rowlands

Tom Higham

Open Data Camp

Giuseppe Sollazzo

Mark Braggins

Tim Davies

Mor Rubenstein

Lucy Knight

Steven Flower

Julian Tait

Jamie Whyte

Ian Makgill

Open Data Manchester

Future Cities Catapult

Matt Fox

Open Data Institute

Jamie Fawcett

Open Knowledge Foundation

Start Up Chile & CORFO


Bethnal Green Ventures

Scientists for EU

Our Data Visualization Challenge participants <3

Rob Davidson

Hera Hussain

Lewis Greener






Data Campfire: 2016 Year in Review

By Natalie Foo

Data Campfire: 2016 Year in Review

Data Campfire's Year in Review of 2016

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