WP Plugin API (Hooks)
- Samt real world examples
Patrick Hesselberg

- WP Udvikler hos Peytz & Co
- Uddannet Web/Multimedie integrator
- Interesse i data, integration og automatisering
Peytz: peytz.dk/medarbejdere/phh
Twitter: @computephh
Github: phh
Hook into WordPress
do_action($tag, $arguments...)
apply_filters($tag, $value, $arguments...)
do_action($tag, $arguments...)
add_action($tag, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args)
remove_action($tag, $callback, $priority)
remove_all_actions($tag, $priority)
do_action('post_updated', $post_ID);
add_action('post_updated', 'phh_update_post_author_notification');
function phh_update_post_author_notification( $post_id ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
// Author is not the current user
if ( $post->post_author != get_current_user_id() ) {
$author = get_userdata( $post->post_author );
$subject = sprintf( 'Your post "%s" has been updated!', $post->post_title );
$body = sprintf( 'Check the changes to your post here: %s', get_permalink( $post_id ) );
wp_mail( $author->user_email, $subject, $body );
add_action( 'post_updated', 'phh_update_post_author_notification' );
do_action('post_updated', $post_ID, $post_after, $post_before);
add_action('post_updated', 'phh_update_post_author_notification', 10, 3);
function phh_update_post_author_notification( $post_id, $post_after, $post_before ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
// Author is not the current user
if ( $post->post_author != get_current_user_id() ) {
$author = get_userdata( $post->post_author );
$subject = sprintf( 'Your post "%s" has been updated!', $post->post_title );
$body = 'Here is a diff of the changes:';
$body .= sprintf( 'Title: %s', wp_text_diff( $post_before->post_title, $post_after->post_title ) );
$body .= sprintf( 'Content: %s', wp_text_diff( $post_before->post_content, $post_after->post_content ) );
$body .= sprintf( 'Check the changes to your post here: %s', get_permalink( $post_id ) );
wp_mail( $author->user_email, $subject, $body );
add_action( 'post_updated', 'phh_update_post_author_notification', 10, 3 );
do_action('post_updated', $post_ID, $post_after, $post_before);
remove_action('after_update_post', 'phh_update_post_author_notification');
if ( get_option( 'phh_remove_update_post_author_notification' ) {
remove_action( 'post_updated', 'phh_update_post_author_notification' );
apply_filters($tag, $value, $arguments...)
add_filter($tag, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args)
remove_filter($tag, $callback, $priority)
remove_all_filters($tag, $priority)
apply_filters('the_title', $title);
add_filter('the_title', 'phh_bad_to_good_title');
* Filter the post title and replace 'bad' by 'good'.
* Turns 'Have a bad day' into 'Have a good day!'
* @param string $title The post title.
function phh_bad_to_good_title( $title ) {
$title = str_replace( 'bad', 'good', $title );
return $title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'phh_bad_to_good_title' );
* Filter the post title and replace 'bad' by 'good'.
* Turns 'Have a bad day' into 'Have a good day!'
* @param string $title The post title.
function phh_bad_to_good_title( $title ) {
$search = apply_filters( 'phh_bad_to_good_title_words', [
] );
$title = str_replace( $search, 'good', $title );
return $title;
add_filter( 'the_title', 'phh_bad_to_good_title' );
* Adds 'unhappy' and 'miserable' to the search filter list.
* @param array $search List of words to replace to 'good'.
function phh_bad_to_good_title_words( $search ) {
$search[] = 'unhappy';
$search[] = 'miserable';
return $search;
add_filter( 'phh_bad_to_good_title_words', 'phh_bad_to_good_title_words' );
function print_current_hook() {
echo '<p>' . current_filter() . '</p>';
add_action( 'all', 'print_current_hook' );
Good to know hooks
*_init (widgets_init, admin_init ...)
Template tags return filter (the_title, the_content)
pre_get_posts (every WP_Query)
template_include (current template path)
Create a plugin
Plugin Name: Phh-plugin
Plugin URI: https://github.com/phh/phh-plugin
Description: A custom phh plugin!
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Patrick Hesselberg
Author URI: peytz.dk/medarbejdere/phh
Text Domain: phh-plugin
Domain Path: /languages
Plugin file headers
Activation hooks
register_activation_hook($file, $callback)
register_deactivation_hook($file, $callback)
register_uninstall_hook($file, $callback)
$file (__FILE__)
WordPress.org plugin
Plugin vs. themes
Plugin tools
Plugin boilerplates:
- http://wppb.io/
- http://wppb.me/
- Kig i andre plugins
Dev Plugins:
- query-monitor
- debug-bar
- debug-objects
Real world example
- Kode fra rigtige projekter!
// Taxonomy flere cpt
$post_types = apply_filters( 'discipline_ct_post_types', [] );
register_taxonomy( self::TAXONOMY, $post_types );
add_filter( 'discipline_ct_post_types', [ $this, 'add_type' ] );
public function add_type( $object_types ) {
$object_types[] = self::POST_TYPE;
return $object_types;
Filter post types to taxonomy
// Specific sidebar
if ( ! $sidebar = apply_filters( 'hooked_sidebar', false ) ) {
if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
$sidebar = 'sidebar-post';
} elseif ( is_page() ) {
$sidebar = 'sidebar-page';
} else {
$sidebar = 'sidebar';
Add a hooked_sidebar
// Title on the course single page.
public function single_course_the_title( $title, $id ) {
if ( is_singular( Course::POST_TYPE ) && get_the_ID() == $id && get_post_type( $id ) == Course::POST_TYPE ) {
$sub_titles = apply_filters( 'course_single_the_title', [], $id );
if ( ! empty( $sub_titles ) ) {
$title .= sprintf( '<span>%s</span>', implode( ' | ', $sub_titles ) );
return $title;
Subtitles to title
// Get queries to search
function get_queries( $image_url, $image_id, $image_relative ) {
$default_queries = [
'post_types_content' => [
'description' => __( 'Search image inside the post content area.', Plugin::TEXT_DOMAIN ),
'query' => [
'post_type' => apply_filters( 'unattached_images_queries_post_types_content', $post_types ),
's' => $image_relative,
'post_meta_image_id' => [
'description' => __( 'Search image post thumbnail featured image.', Plugin::TEXT_DOMAIN ),
'query' => [
'post_type' => apply_filters( 'unattached_images_queries_post_meta_image_id', $post_types ),
'meta_query' => [
'key' => '_thumbnail_id',
'value' => $image_id,
// Add/modify/delete any existing queries
return apply_filters( 'unattached_images_queries', $default_queries, $image_id, $image_relative, $image_url );
Duplicate functionality
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_url', array( $this, 'wp_get_attachment_url' ), 10, 2 );
// Local attachment_url
function wp_get_attachment_url( $url, $post_id ) {
return get_the_guid( $post_id );
Use guid for image url
add_filter( 'login_headerurl', array( $this, 'login_url' ) );
add_filter( 'login_headertitle', array( $this, 'login_headertitle' ) );
// Login header
function login_url() {
return home_url();
function login_headertitle() {
return get_bloginfo( 'name' );
Replace wordpress.org references
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', [ $this, 'dictionary_words_query' ] );
// Order by title asc
public function dictionary_words_query( $query ) {
if ( $query->is_main_query() && $query->is_post_type_archive( Dictionary::POST_TYPE ) ) {
$query->set( 'orderby', 'title' );
$query->set( 'order', 'ASC' );
Order archive main query
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', [ $this, 'events_archive_query_order' ] );
// Order by start date
public function events_archive_query_order( $query ) {
if ( ! $query->is_main_query() || ! $query->is_post_type_archive( Event::POST_TYPE ) ) {
$query->set( 'meta_query', [
'date_start' => [
'key' => 'date_start',
'value' => strtotime( 'today' ),
'compare' => '>=',
'type' => 'NUMERIC',
] );
$query->set( 'orderby', 'date_start' );
$query->set( 'order', 'ASC' );
Order events by start date
// Add something after singluar
do_action( 'before_header' );
do_action( 'after_singular' );
do_action( 'singular_meta' );
Hook up your templates
// Add something by priority
add_action( 'course_definitions_list', [ $this, 'definitions_list_notes' ] );
add_action( 'course_definitions_list', [ $this, 'definitions_list_downloads' ], 11 );
add_action( 'course_definitions_list', [ $this, 'definitions_list_extra' ], 12 );
Hook up your template (priority)
// Hook into hook
do_action( 'courses_loaded' );
add_action( 'courses_loaded', [ $this, 'courses_loaded' ] );
public function courses_loaded() {
add_filter( 'single_course_the_title', [ $this, 'single_course_the_title' ] );
add_action( 'course_definitions_list', [ $this, 'definitions_list_extra' ], 12 );
Hook your hook
Tak fordi i lyttede!

WP Plugin API (Hooks) samt real world examples
By Patrick Holberg Hesselberg
WP Plugin API (Hooks) samt real world examples
- 3,654