cssdeck codecasts

Revealing CSSDeck Codecasts

Website: http://cssdeck.com

Twitter: @cssdeck


You must have seen tons of stuff around the web like:

"Pure CSS3 Slider"
"Pure CSS3 Buttons"
"Pure CSS3 Crap"
"Canvas Experiments"
"WebGL Demos"

But... Does that Help you learn anything?


or maybe ... to some extent.

It's not easy to dig through the final piece of code and learn, I can understand!

Lets change that - completely

If you are the person making such cool creations, spend a little more time and effort and write it down again with proper commenting at:

but how the heck is it different ?

Well, You just have to write your code in HTML, CSS, Javascript code editors.

You can use vanilla HTML/CSS/JS or tools like Jade, Markdown, Haml, Slim, Stylus, SASS, SCSS, Compass, Less, Coffeescript, Zen Coding, Prefixfree, Normalize, etc.

and we will record it!

We will record your entire typing process.

People can then "playback" your "codecast" in a video-style. They can view, notice, examine and learn the exact steps you used to create your amazing creation.

They'll learn from your approach and mistakes, realizing what kind of mistakes a developer makes in real world situations and know what techniques to use when they encounter the same set of problems in real-world projects.

a complete new learning experience!

It's proven!

We've already received tons of good feedbacks regarding this learning process. People are loving it!

Create codecasts and change frontend development education to some extent!

Sample codecasts

Single Element iPhone in CSS3:

Making a CSS3 Pie timer:


Creating Tooltips without Extra Markup:

Breaking Bad Logo in CSS and SVG:


The end

That's all, Happy Coding and Codecasting :-)

cssdeck codecasts

By quanta

cssdeck codecasts

  • 10,435