Programming Merit Badge
Who Am i?
Jason Clark (call me Jason) <- Send programs here
- Dad
- 2 Boy Scouts
- 1 former Girl Scout
- Husband
- Married 18 years
- (Software) Engineering Manager
- Cengage (National Geographic)
- Web Engineer
- Built using JavaScript for both server and client side
- Node.js
- React.js
- Built using JavaScript for both server and client side
Living in a digital world
coding can be hazardous to your health!
Repetitive Stress/Strain Injuries
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Wrist/Elbow pain
- Prevention Tips
- Frequent scheduled breaks
- Ergonomic Keyboards
coding can be hazardous to your health!
Eye Strain
- Frequent scheduled breaks
- Proper monitor alignment
- Glare reducing glasses
- Focal point shifting
- Proper contact care
- Proper Nutrition
Title Text
those who don't know history get stuck in for loops
Ada lovelace
- First "computer programmer"
- Created first algorithm built for machine processing
- Built "programs" for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine
- Analytical Engine used "punch cards" to alter mechanical calculations
- Department of Defense named the Ada programming language in her honor
the 1950s...
... marked the introduction of 3 fundamental base programming languages:
fortran (formula translation)
lisp (List Processing)
Cobol (Common business oriented language)
the 1970s...
... saw the introduction of languages that were core to the development of modern languages
pascal (original skype used it)
'c' (basis of c++, Objective-C and C#, used to build nearly all windows and ios apps)
smalltalk (basis of ruby, which was used to build twitter)
the 1980s...
... saw the introduction of languages that are still in wide use today:
C++ or c with classes - windows, office, nearly every windows app
objective-c - iphone and ipad apps, starting point of swift
perl - common scripting language used largely in the cloud
the 1990s...
... saw the introduction of the primary languages in use today:
python - scripting, web apps, games (civilization series)
java - android, web apps, windows/mac/linux apps
javascript - web, node, facebook, hulu, netflix, everything...
the new millenium...
... still has new languages being created:
go - created by google, evolution of c/C++/C#
swift - created by apple, evolution of objective-c
js libraries - angular, react, ember, node, typescript, elm, polymer, etc.
Editor - A text editing tool (like Notepad or TextEdit) with varying levels of programming assistance
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - An advanced text editor that includes tools to assist with debugging code and deploying to servers
Overview and sample exercises for the following languages:
- Arduino
- C
- C#
- C++
- ColdFusion
- Java
- JavaScript
- Labview
- Ladder Logic
- Lisp
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- Romotive
- Ruby
- Scratch
- StateFlow
- TouchDevelop
- Visual Basic
All work on macOS/Linux or Windows
Req 5a - With your counselor’s approval, choose a sample program. Then, as a minimum, modify the code or add a function or subprogram to it. Debug and demonstrate the modified program to your counselor.
Programming Merit Badge (Wk 1)
By Jason Clark
Programming Merit Badge (Wk 1)
Week 1 slides for Programming Merit Badge presentation at MBU 2017 in Easton, MA
- 3,843