Programming Merit Badge

Who Am i?

Jason Clark (call me Jason) <- Send programs here

  • Dad
    • 2 Boy Scouts
    • 1 former Girl Scout
  • Husband
    • Married 18 years
  • (Software) Engineering Manager
    • Cengage (National Geographic)
  • Web Engineer
      • Built using JavaScript for both server and client side
        • Node.js
        • React.js

Living in a digital world

coding can be hazardous to your health!

Repetitive Stress/Strain Injuries

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Wrist/Elbow pain
  • Prevention Tips
    • Frequent scheduled breaks
    • Ergonomic Keyboards

coding can be hazardous to your health!

Eye Strain

  • Frequent scheduled breaks
  • Proper monitor alignment
  • Glare reducing glasses
  • Focal point shifting
  • Proper contact care
  • Proper Nutrition

Title Text

those who don't know history get stuck in for loops

Ada lovelace

  • First "computer programmer"
  • Created first algorithm built for machine processing
  • Built "programs" for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine
  • Analytical Engine used "punch cards" to alter mechanical calculations
  • Department of Defense named the Ada programming language in her honor


the 1950s...

... marked the introduction of 3 fundamental base programming languages:

  • fortran (formula translation)

  • lisp (List Processing)

  • Cobol (Common business oriented language)

the 1970s...

... saw the introduction of languages that were core to the development of modern languages

  • pascal (original skype used it) 

  • 'c' (basis of c++, Objective-C and C#, used to build nearly all windows and ios apps)

  • smalltalk (basis of ruby, which was used to build twitter)

the 1980s...

... saw the introduction of languages that are still in wide use today:

  • C++ or c with classes - windows, office, nearly every windows app

  • objective-c - iphone and ipad apps, starting point of swift

  • perl - common scripting language used largely in the cloud

the 1990s...

... saw the introduction of the primary languages in use today:

  • python - scripting, web apps, games (civilization series)

  • java - android, web apps, windows/mac/linux apps

  • javascript - web, node, facebook, hulu, netflix, everything...

the new millenium...

... still has new languages being created:

  • go - created by google, evolution of c/C++/C#

  • swift - created by apple, evolution of objective-c

  • js libraries - angular, react, ember, node, typescript, elm, polymer, etc.


Editor - A text editing tool (like Notepad or TextEdit) with varying levels of programming assistance





IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - An advanced text editor that includes tools to assist with debugging code and deploying to servers

Overview and sample exercises for the following languages:

  • Arduino
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • ColdFusion
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Labview
  • Ladder Logic
  • Lisp
  • Lua
  • Matlab
  • Objective-C
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Romotive
  • Ruby
  • Scratch
  • StateFlow
  • TouchDevelop
  • Visual Basic


All work on macOS/Linux or Windows


Req 5a - With your counselor’s approval, choose a sample program. Then, as a minimum, modify the code or add a function or subprogram to it. Debug and demonstrate the modified program to your counselor.

Programming Merit Badge (Wk 1)

By Jason Clark

Programming Merit Badge (Wk 1)

Week 1 slides for Programming Merit Badge presentation at MBU 2017 in Easton, MA

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