How to
be a great

You are still learning

In fact, if you're doing it right, you will still be learning... forever


"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few."

Building software is all about writing code

Building software is also about not writing code

What skills do you bring to the table?

Hard(er) skills



- Agile

- Refactoring

- Git

Soft(er) skills

- Previous experience

- Personality

- Enthusiasm

- Adaptability

- Teamwork

You are an investment

How long will it take for you to pay off?

"Every day my mission is to find ways to help everyone else on my team do better work. I look for learning opportunities in every task and interaction, no matter how big or small."

Smashing it from day 1:

Be helpful

Make people WANT to help you

Be easy to help

Ask good questions

Give good feedback

Do useful stuff

Write tests

Write GOOD tests

If your company doesn't test

Find out why - take the lead

Write documentation

Contribute to the styleguide

No styleguide? Take the lead

Learn new tools

Learn the stuff other people can't be bothered to

DO the stuff that other people can't be bothered to

You will learn, even from the worst jobs

Follow the boy scout rule:

"Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it"


Don't be a dick

They were there first

Be respectful

Be eager

Be curious

Be useful


Read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read


Build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build build

Does this sound like a lot of hard work?

It is.

But trust me, it's fun

post_course ->

Keeping It


Copy of How to be a great junior

By rodolphe

Copy of How to be a great junior

Hiring week talk

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