Socket.IO and Angular.JS

Ryan Tucker

What is

Socket.IO is a NodeJS package.

Socket.IO aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms. It's care-free realtime 100% in JavaScript. in practice

  • Use Websockets everywhere
  • Don't worry about the details
  • It just works
  • Useful advanced features like multiplexing

how do I use it?

var io = require('').listen(80);io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {  socket.emit('news', {hello: 'world' });  socket.on('my other event', function(data) {    console.log(data);  });});
<script src="/"></script><script>  var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');  socket.on('news', function(data) {    console.log(data);    socket.emit('my other event', {my: 'data'});});</script>



That's great, what can I really do with it?

Why Angular and

  • Model, View, Whatever separation of concerns
  • Easily wrap Socket.IO in an Angular service for reusability and to keep third party libraries isolated from the rest of the application

Let's Build a service

  • Connection
  • Disconnection
  • Listen for events
  • Send messages


Socket.IO exposes two aptly names methods:
  • connect
  • disconnect

var mySocket = io.connect('http://localhost/');

Listening for event

To listen for an event we use the familiar .on('eventName', cb) convention.

mySocket.on('userJoined', function(data) {  console.log('A user joined!', data);});

Sending an event

So you want to send something back to the server?

In Socket.IO vernacular we emit an event and can pass some data along with it.

 mySocket.emit('updateUserName', {name: 'My New Name' });

wrapping it up in angular land

We'll design an event driven service . Let's start from the top.

 angular.module('wsDemo').service('SocketService', function($rootScope) {   var socket; // Our future socket   var self = this;
this.connect = function connect() { socket = io.connect('http://localhost/'); listenForEvents(socket); // Coming in a bit };
this.disconnect = function disconnect() { if(socket) { socket.disconnect(); } };

Let's listen for some events

function listenForEvents(ws) {  ws.on('userJoined', function(data) {    $rootScope.$apply(function() {      // Let's broadcast an Angular event      $rootScope.$broadcast('userJoined', data);    });  });
ws.on('userLeft', function(data) { $rootScope.$apply(function() { $rootScope.$broadcast('userLeft', data); }); });}

Watch out!

We must wrap external calls in $apply since we are out of the Angular digest cycle.

 ws.on('userLeft', function(data) {   $rootScope.$apply(function() {     $rootScope.$broadcast('userLeft', data);   }); );

let the world hear you

Sending events

 // Send the given message this.sendMessage = function(message) {   if (socket) {     socket.emit('message', message);   } }

Building the chat demo

What's left to do?

  • Build a users controller
  • Build a chat controller
  • Build a users service
  • Build a chat service
  • Some HTML to glue it all together

chat controller

function ($scope, ChatService, SocketService) {
        $scope.messages = ChatService.messages;

        function sendMessage(message) {
            // Clear the message
            $scope.msgToSend = '';

        $scope.sendMessage = sendMessage;
        $scope.messageKeyUp = function messageKeyUp($event, message) {
            if ($event.keyCode === 13 && $scope.userForm.$valid) {

chat Service

 .service('ChatService', function chatService($rootScope, SocketService, UsersService) {  this.messages = [];  var self = this;
function messageReceived(event, data) { // Filter out our own messages if( !== { self.messages.push(data); } }
function sendMessage(message) { self.messages.push(message); SocketService.sendMessage(message); } $rootScope.$on('message', messageReceived); return this;}

users controller

 .controller('UsersCtrl', function ($scope, UsersService) {
        $scope.users = [];

// Watch for a change in the users $scope.$watch(function() { return UsersService.users; }, function(val) { $scope.users = val; }, true); });

users service

 .service('UsersService', function chatService($rootScope) {
        // Array to hold our users
        this.users = [];
        this.myUser = {};
function userJoined(event, data) { ... } function userLeft(event, data) { ... } function userEdited(event, data) { ... } function userList(event, data) { ... } function setUserId(event, data) { ... } function disconnected(event, data) { ... }
$rootScope.$on('userJoined', userJoined); ... $rootScope.$on('disconnected', disconnected); return this;

A bit of HTML

how would I improve this?

  • Make the service more generic
  • Don't hardcode events in the main socket service
  • Consider a pub-sub model to notify interested parties

Check out Brian Ford's Angular-Socket.IO Library for a more comprehensive library at


All slides are publicly available at

The code is available at

I'll put links to this on after the talk!

Socket.IO and Angular.JS

By Ryan Tucker

Socket.IO and Angular.JS

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