with Kinect v2
in browser

The Kinect v2

is the updated, improved version of the Kinect v1

and it was developed especially for developers

+ improved camera (full HD)

+ improved body tracking

+ higher depth fidelity

The problem

it can be used only on Windows 8 (officially)


you need a USB3 port


the official SDK is only available in C#


The tech solution

WebSocket - client side

var host = '',
    channel = 'kinectdata',
    port = 8181, ws,
    wsImpl = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket;


    function initConnection() {
	ws = new wsImpl('ws://' + host + ':' + port + '/' + channel);

    function initSocketBindings() {        
        ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
            var data = JSON.parse(evt.data);

The tech solution

WebSocket - server side (ok, it's not UID)

+ simple, C# Windows application

+ easy to use the Kinect v2 SDK

+ access all the streams, raw data

+ send it through socket

Websocket support

Use your creativity

+ play around with the body parts, joints!

+ use the depth stream, infrared stream

+ do all the magic & fun in simple canvas or WebGL


Thank you!


Experimenting with Kinect v2 in browser

By Péter Schmíz

Experimenting with Kinect v2 in browser

Small presentation about the Kinect v2 and how to use it in browsers, even if you don't have a compatible system.

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