Shreya Chakraborty
Indix. WomenWhoCode - Chennai
The basics
Shreya Chakraborty
Software Engineer
Ansible was released in 2012 by Michael DeHaan
Ansible, Inc. was the company set up to commercially support and sponsor Ansible. Red Hat acquired Ansible in October 2015
- hosts: webservers
http_port: 80
max_clients: 200
"hosts": "webservers",
"vars": {
"http_port": 80,
"max_clients": 200
Run commands parallely execution across multiple machines.
Multiple idempotent 'modules'
Automatic reporting of task execution.
Tagging, and restricting tasks.
Readable syntax , sufficient logic flow and ease-of-variable-managing.
Agentless architecture
Hosts and users
Task list
By Shreya Chakraborty