Fun-Driven Development

Keep It Smart and Stupid!

Marco Cecconi @sklivvz

Stack Overflow

I wrote a 2 million lines of code enterprise application and it was a ton of fun!

-- No One, Ever

I wrote a 2 million lines of code enterprise application and, with MicroServices™ and React it was a ton of fun!

-- Apparently a bunch of people, 2016

I deployed a top 30 web site to 500,000 browser tabs without running tests. It was fun!

-- Me, yesterday


(the previous code was fake)

Our code sucks

The word "sucks" appears 108 times in our codebase.

(most of these times it's probably correct)

private IDbConnection ownedConnection; // LINQ-to-SQL sucks; 

Our code sucks

The word "shit" appears 108 times in our codebase.

(most of these times it's used in the context "shit gets ill", meaning stuff is broken)

// yeah, this is really shitty code - someone else needs to refactor it for me

Our code sucks

The word "f**k" appears 67 times in our codebase.

(not literally "f**k")

// The database is down, fuck it
// All others shall fuck off

Some more important statistics

I dumped all our 100k commit messages in a database

Swearing by type

Our swearing is increasing

Our WTFs/minute are constant!

 90% of all community feedback is crap.



-- Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror)

...that's 0.3% of our questions

  • Jon Skeet can divide by zero.
  • Jon Skeet once answered one of my questions 42 seconds before I asked it.
  • Anonymous methods and anonymous types are really all called Jon Skeet.
  • They just don't like to boast.
  • (btw the above is an answer by... Jon Skeet)
  • With 821 upvotes

HTML and Regex

April 1st, 2016 is in 3 weeks

Just sayin'

...and now the conclusion

Orange makes you happy!

High growth makes you wear orange!

Happy developers are productive developers

(just like hens)


Hope you are awake...

Thank you!

Marco Cecconi @sklivvz

Stack Overflow

Fun Driven Development @ SFI

By Marco Cecconi

Fun Driven Development @ SFI

Keep It Smart and Stupid!

  • 536