KillIng Dinosaurs with meteor.JS

Steffo Weber, ForgeRock

ACM/GI Meeting Feb 2015

*Title courtesy of @guyroyse

meteor = {

    is: FULLSTACK – not JUST a framework,
    ISomorphic: same API on client and Server,

    database: everywhere (Client & Server),


WHAT are cool webapps


  • Really fast data sync between all clients
  • Latency compensation
  • Rich user experience
  • Security


  • Zeitgeist WebApps – Traditional vs Meteor
  • Live coding. A Meteor app with online DB updates (Demo 1)
  • Security
  • Demo (2). A real world Meteor app.
  • Cloud
  • Summary

Traditional webapps

Meteor webapp

Traditional Data Update

meteor Data Update

That's great, BUT

  • I can do this with Ajax
  • I can do this with Angular.JS
  • I know some PHP plugins
  • I heard React.JS is great for this
  • We use Apex for the server side
  • Can I have JQuery please?
  • We're building UIs with bootstrap

What Meteor does

  • Select a robust set of basic technologies (full stack)
    • node.js
    • mongo
    • DDP
    • Rendering and Templating: Blaze & Spacebars
  • Allow other frameworks (bootstrap, jQ) to be integrated
  • Check

Demo (1)

Live Coding. 

  • Your first meteor project
  • Creating data collections
  • Sending data to the client
  • Using HTML templating & {{ >spacebars}}
  • Sending updates to the server
  • Deploy to the cloud with one command


  • Zeitgeist WebApps – Traditional vs Meteor
  • Live coding. A Meteor app with online DB updates (Demo 1)
  • Security
  • Demo (2). A real world Meteor app.
  • Cloud
  • Summary


  • Data. Restrict access to DBops (READ, UPDATE etc)
  • Code. Prevent browser issues (XSS, XSRF etc)
  • Transport. Protect data on the wire.



​Meteor.publish('users', function() {

        var userId = this.userId,
            user = Meteor.users.findOne({
                _id: userId
            email = user.emails[0].address;
            return UsersCollection.find({
                'userid': email





        'update': function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier)) {
            if (Roles.userIsInRole(userId, 'admin')) {
                return true;
            } else {
                //console.log("Restricting access to own docs.");
                return doc.owner === userId;


Publish/Subscribe Security

  • Server code is trusted / client code is not trusted
  • Server decides _what_ to publish
  • Server controls via requesting userId() or DB query
    • READ access
    • INSERT & DEDELTE access
    • UPDATE access (incl update attribute and op)
  • Update ops can be issued
    • directly from the client (incl latency compensation)
    • via a Meteor.methods() or REST call to the server

Web Security – XSS, XSRF

  • Directives for client code (short selection);
    • BrowserPolicy.framing.disallow()
    • BrowserPolicy.framing.restrictToOrigin(origin)
    • BrowserPolicy.content.allowInlineScripts()
    • BrowserPolicy.content.allowSameOriginForAll()
  • Most security attacks: Data is interpreted as Code
    • Buffer Overflow/Undersruns (hello 90s)
    • HTTP Response often includes data & code
    • Meteor. DDP is data channel, HTTP is JS-code channel 

AuthN – Traditional

AuthN – Meteor

DEMO (2)


  • E-Mail Self Service / Social SSO
  • Checkin / Checkout (Fire Incidents)
  • Employee Timecard
  • Affordable OPS costs (10-15 EUR / month)
  • Scales to 1000 small customers

OAuth. out of the box 

Roles. alanning:roles 

Data. Selecting addresses

DATA SYNC. Checkin

DATA SYNC. Checkin


  • Base System (OAuth, Email Adresses)
    • a long weekend (3 days)
  • REST API for Employee Timecard
    • 2 days
  • Pre 1.0 Update Cycles
    • 2 days (max)


  • Zeitgeist WebApps – Traditional vs Meteor
  • Live coding. A Meteor app with online DB updates (Demo 1)
  • Security
  • Demo (2). A real world Meteor app.
  • Cloud
  • Summary


factory. Choose a name

factory. Enter groups

factory. Upload background

factory. WAIT 2 minutes

factory. Done



  • 2 Droplets (machines) on Digital Ocean (15 €)
  • 1 CoreOS (1G RAM + SSD Swap) machine can run min 6 Docker images/simsalabim applications – 10 $
  • Fireup instances when needed

Got it – what's that in money (Dev Wise)


  • Shorter dev times (factor 2 compared to Rails {source:} ; factor 4 compared to PHP – personal guess)
  • Resource friendly ( > cheap on DigitalOcean etc)
  • Scalability ( processes 200 Mio API req/month)
  • Micro Services with meteorhacks:cluster
  • It's JavaScript


  • It's JavaScript
  • Unit Tests? Any testing framework?
  • Isomorphism & waiting for ES 6
  • Only frontend layer?
  • Is mongo DB reliable? What about Meteor & Oracle DB?
  • Who's backing this project?

Meteor development group


And Oracle?

  • Cloud. nodejs service (
  • Node apps. nodejs DB driver (
  • SQL DB. Run JavaScript in Oracle DB 12c (

notable things (I did not discuss)

  • Data Sync. Mongo OPLOG tailing
  • Taming the callback soup. Meteor & Fibres
  • NPM. How to use arbitrary npm modules
  • Operations. MUP, PM2 &
  • Mobile. Building iOS and Android apps with Meteor
  • Deploying on NodeJS cloud plattforms
  • Clustering: meteorhacks:cluster, Passenger (nginx)

Killing Dinosaurs

By Steffo Weber

Killing Dinosaurs

An Intro to MeteorJS – title courtesy of @guyroyse. ACM Meeting, Hamburg, Feb 2015. Some parts are based on material provided by members of Meteor Dev Group. Thanks folks.

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