WSDB 291

library research workshop

  • Getting help in the library
  • Your term paper requirements:
    -properly formatted bibliography
    - appropriate sources

  • using databases
    -search strategies & keywords
    -using Zotero
  • Finding stuff


getting help

AskUs desk:  Mon: 4-5, Tues 12-2, Fri 1-2

Tuesdays: Hall building 11th floor, H-1132: 3-5 pm

Course Requirements: TERM PAPER

The tentative topic of the paper, a brief description, and a bibliography are to be submitted....


Course Requirements: TERM PAPER

  • Term papers should follow customary scholarly format (MLA or APA), and must contain a title, subtitle and bibliography
  • Footnotes, endnotes, or in-text parenthetical references must be included to carefully acknowledge your sources

Bibliography  Tips

1 - follow your professor's instructions

2 - pick your style: APA  or MLA 

3 - find a style guide and follow it, along with your prof's instructions

4 -If  you have more questions, try our Tutorial or Ask Us!

Course Requirements: TERM PAPER


Information from Internet sources should be

used with selectivity.


Academic/Peer reviewed References





huge all in one search


 search more strategically


ACCESSING STUFF: Resources & Services

What is this:

van der Meulen , Emily, Elya M. Durisin, Victoria Love. 2013. Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press

...and what should you look up? and where?

van der Meulen , Emily, Elya M. Durisin, Victoria Love. 2013. Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press

this is a BOOK

look up the title: Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada

in our Library Catalogue:

What is this:

Hall, K. Q. (2015). New Conversations in Feminist Disability Studies: Feminism, Philosophy, and Borders. Hypatia, 30(1), 1-12.

...and what should you look up? and where?

Hall, K. Q. (2015). New Conversations in Feminist Disability Studies: Feminism, Philosophy, and Borders. Hypatia, 30(1), 1-12.


look up the article title: New Conversations in Feminist Disability Studies: Feminism, Philosophy, and Borders

in our Discovery Search:

look up the journal title:


in our Library Catalogue:


What is this:

Queen, Carol. "Sex Radical Politics, Sex-Positive Feminist Thought, and Whore Stigma," Whores and Other Feminists, ed. Jill Nagle. New York: Routledge, 1997. 125-135.

...and what should you look up? and where?

Queen, Carol. "Sex Radical Politics, Sex-Positive Feminist Thought, and Whore Stigma," Whores and Other Feminists, ed. Jill Nagle. New York: Routledge, 1997. 125-135.

this is a CHAPTER  in a BOOK

look up the  BOOK title:
Whores and Other Feminists

in our Library Catalogue:

3 references: academic/peer reviewed  TEST YOURSELF

which one  is academic or peer-reviewed?

Stuff we discussed and more

Find out what we own:  Library Catalogue

Find articles for your paper: WSDB 291 guide

Try to find it all at once: Discovery Search 

click to learn more - all yellow words above are hyperlinked  

WSDB 291 Contemporary Perspectives to Women's Studies

By susie breier

WSDB 291 Contemporary Perspectives to Women's Studies

Concordia Libraries slides for WSDB 291, Alex Antonopoulos, Fall 2019

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