Conquering Commander.js

Writing large command line tools in Node

Tim Santeford

Sr. Software Engineer at AppNexus

Source Code:


  • why write cli tools in Node.js?
  • what is Commander.js
  • how and why to use it
  • project organization
  • adding missing pieces
  • quick demo

Why Building CLI Tools Rocks

  • testing and learning APIs
  • provide missing functionally while UI is in development
  • automation and ETL
  • tools for less technical co-workers
  • curl is not practical for all users

Plus it's fun!

  • great libraries available via npm
  • asynchronous io
  • easy installation and updates for users
  • Beats shell scripts

Why write cli tools in Node.js?

It's Javascript! I know this...

brew install node
npm install <your-cli> -g


What is Commander.js

  • Command-line argument parser
  • commands and options with values
  • used by 1000 other npm modules
  • Actively maintained

5th most depended on npm module after underscore, async, request, and lodash

Why use Commander.js?

  • inspired by the Ruby gem Commander
  • command routing
  • clean syntax
  • auto generated help


The Program Object

 var program = require('commander');

 // define program and options


 // define commands and their options


 // kick off the parser 

Defining Commands

  • name with [optional] or <required> argument
  • description for help
  • action callback
  .command('hello <name>')
  .description('Say hello to <name>')
  .action(function(name, command) {
    console.log('Hello ' + name);

[ ] < >

Defining Options

  • options can be command specific
  • optional or required values
  • can take a coercion function
  • accessed on the program object

example up next


--option [value]

--option <value>

  .command('countdown <count>')
  .description('Countdown timer')
    '-i, --interval <interval>',
    'The delay between ticks',
    parseInterval, // coercion function
    1000 // default value
  ).action(function(count, command) {
    // option values are placed on 
    // the command object


Command & Option Example

cli countdown 10 --interval 1000

  1. defined in package.json under "bin"
  2. command defined on the program object
  3. command argument <required>
  4. command option
  5. option value <required>

Quick Demo


  Usage: cli <command> [options]


    countdown [options] <count>
       Count down timer


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

What Commander.js does not come with:

  • a good way to organize large projects
  • user prompting
  • progress indication
  • debugging
  • logging
  • testing

Folder Structure

├── bin
│   └── cli
├── commands
│   ├── command-a.js
│   ├── command-b.js
│   └── index.js
├── lib
│   └── ...
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── test
│   └── ...
├── index.js
└── package.json
  1. application entry point
  2. shell script used by npm
  3. commands folder
  4. command loader
  5. shared library folder







the cli will be executed with the name specified in the package.json file.

"bin": {
    "<cli-name>": "./bin/<cli-name>"



#!/usr/bin/env node


use npm link while developing

Command Loader

module.exports = function commandLoader(program) {
  var commands = {};
  var loadPath = path.dirname(__filename);

  // Loop though command files
  fs.readdirSync(loadPath).filter(function (filename) {
    return (/\.js$/.test(filename) && filename !== 'index.js');
  }).forEach(function (filename) {
    var name = filename.substr(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'));

    // Require command
    var command = require(path.join(loadPath, filename));

    // Initialize command
    commands[name] = command(program);

  return commands;

User Input with Prompt

  • use prompt
  • initialize in index.js
  • place on the program object

example up next

supports password masking

  properties: {
    port: {
      description: 'Enter port number:',
      conform: validatePort, // function
      pattern: /^\d+$/
}, function (err, result) {
  // Input values placed on the result object



Prompt example

Success & Error Messaging

  • create common methods
  • constant looking output
  • logging errors is easier
  • debugging is easier too (--debug)
  • use color
  • log to a file
 program.log = function () {
 program.successMessage = function () {
 program.errorMessage = function () {
 program.handleError = function () {


Use a common Request object

Wrap request for debugging and logging.

  program.request = function (opts, next) {
    // Start loading indicator
    if (program.debug) { // log request options
    return request(opts, function (err, res, body) {
      // Stop loading indicator
      if (err) {
        if (program.debug) {
        return next(err, res, body);
      } else {
        if (program.debug) { // log response & body
        return next(err, res, body);

Final Thoughts

  • use progress for long running tasks
  • use configuration files
  • detect terminal type: process.stdout.isTTY
  • use cli-table to format tabular data
  • unit test every command
  • mocking the program object makes unit testing easy



  • Use Commander.js
  • Organize / Unit Test
  • Use common logging, message / error handling, and request objects for each task


Source Code:

Conquering Commander.js

By Tim Santeford

Conquering Commander.js

Writing large command line tools in Node

  • 14,355