Website Design : Basics

A brief history
Framework and how it fits together
HTML - Basics
CSS - Gerben
HTML5 - Fotis
Examples / Tutorial

A brief history of the interweb

  • It all began with “Hypertext” : (over/beyond – text)

  • Tim Berners-Lee & Co
    • HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol
    • HTML – HyperText Markup Language
    • Need for standardisaton – Hypertext languages were system specific.
    • First browsers emerge – Mosaic + Lynx

A brief history of the interweb

  • 1994
    •  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
    • HTML 2.0.

  • 1996
    • HTML Editorial review board is formed : Involving IBM, Microsoft, Netscape, Novell, Softquad and the W3C.

  • 1997
    • HTML 3.2 is recommended by W3C.

A brief history of the interweb

  • 1998
    •  HTML 4.0 is released as a W3C recommendation.

  • 2000
    • XHTML 1.0 : Combined HTML 4.01 + eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 .
    • Able to include pieces from other XML based languages, e.g. Scalable Vector Graphics and MathML.

A brief history of the interweb

  • 2002
    • W3C commented - "The XHTML family is the next step in the evolution of the Internet. By migrating to XHTML today, content developers can enter the XML world with all of its attendant benefits, while still remaining confident in their content's backward compatibility"
  • 2004
    • Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) formed (Apple,Firefox,Opera) in response to the slow evolution of W3C's web standards.
    • Another motivation was the W3C's new direction toward XML based technologies.

A brief history of the interweb

  • 2007
    • W3C discontinues XHTML development and pursues working on the HTML 5.0 standard with WHATWG.

  • 2014
    • HTML 5.0 recommendation expected from W3C

Framework : Basic 3 Components 

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets


Framework : Static vs Dynamic


  • Generally just HTML, CSS and some basic Javascript.
    • As a noticeboard to give static information.


    • Everything from static except additional interactive user input through  Javascript.
    • Server based.

    • Used for shopping, forums and games.

    Framework : Server-Client Model

    Framework : Server-Client Model

    HTML - template

    Lets start with a sample/template

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <h1>My First Heading</h1>
            <p>My first paragraph.</p>

    HTML - template

    HTML 5.0
    <!DOCTYPE html>

    HTML 4.01
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

    XHTML 1.0
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

    <!DOCTYPE  blah > - Tells the browser how to interpret the code

    HTML - template

    General remarks

    The HTML document starts with <html> and ends with </html>.
    HTML is case insensitive.
    Everything in HTML is implemented in the form of tags and elements.

    HTML - Template

    Tags and elements.

    Element = <tags> content </tags>

    Tags and elements can be and are frequently nested inside each other.

    Usually tags come in pairs but there are a few exceptions.

    HTML - template


    The <head></head> element contains info for the browser.

    <title> - document title

    <style> - styling instructions (e.g. - internal css)

    <meta> - for search engines;  description, author, keywords

    <link> - defines the relation to external resources (e.g. - css)

    <script> - calls a client side script (e.g. Javascript)

    <noscript> - Alternate for browsers with scripts disables.

    <base> - A base URL for relative URL references

    HTML - template


    The main content of the page.

    This can include a great number of things......

    • Plain text
    • Forms
    • iFrames
    • Lists
    • Tables
    • Images
    • Audio & Video
    • Javascript
    • Quotes + Code 

    HTML - Attributes

    Elements can be given additional attributes such as colors and spacing instructions.

    • Specified in the start tag.
    • Name/value pairs.
    • Value is quotes.
    • Attributes ARE case sensitive.
    • E.g. - class, id, title, style, href

    <a href="#about" class="darktab">content</a>

    HTML - Formatting

    Structure - Plain text

    <h1></h1> - Headings 1-6*
    <p></p> - Paragraphs
    *Headings are important for crawlers + search engines.

    Structure - Layout
    <div></div> - Creates divided sections/blocks.
    <span></span> - In line sections.

    <div> and <span> can be used to seperate the documents into sections that can be spatially and aesthetically customised.

    HTML - formatting

    Basic text commands

    <b>bold</b> | <i>italic</i> | <small>small</small>

       bold | italic | small

    <sub>sub</sub> | <mark>mark</mark> | <sup>sup</sup>
        sub | mark | sup

    <ins>ins</ins> | <del>del</del>
        ins | del

    HTML - formatting

    Basic text continued ...... empty elements

    There is a <br> break in the line. Then a <hr> horizontal rule.

    There is a 
    break in the line. Then a
    horizontal rule.

    There is a <!-- comment --> in this line.
    There is a  in this line. 

    HTML - formatting

    Special outputs

    <code> - Defines computer code text.

    <samp> - Defines sample computer code.

    <pre> - Defines preformatted text (left as is).

    <blockquote> - Defines a section that is quoted from another source.

    <cite> - Defines the title of a work.

    <q> - Defines an in-line (short) quotation.

    HTML - Links

    <a href="">I love cats</a>

    I love cats

    <a href="" target="_blank">I love cats</a>

    I love cats

    Same page or section on another page

    <a href="#catz">Go to catz</a>

    <a id="catz">catz</a>


    <img src="url" style="style_features" alt="some_text">

    <img  src=""   style ="width:80%; height:auto;"    alt="Strands of light">

    html - images

    <img src=" HTTP://WWW.TOM-MCCAVANA.COM/picturrres/background.png" style="width:80%; height:auto;" alt='sTRANDS OF LIGHT'>


    html - videos & Audio

    <audio controls>
      <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
      <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
    Your browser does not support the audio element.


    html - videos & Audio

    <video width="320" height="240" controls>
       <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
      <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.


    HTML - form


    <input> is the tag for all form inputs and we vary the type attribute.


    +several others.

    HTML - form

    Using form output.

    <form name="input" action="html_form_action.asp" method="get">
    Username: <input type="text" name="user">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    HTML - iFrames

    <iframe src="URL"></iframe> 

    Handy attribute - width, height, frameborder

    Name can be used to make it a target for a reference, i.e.

    <iframe src="blank/default" name="iframe_a"> </iframe>

    <a href="URL" target="iframe_a">Link to catz</a>




    Ordered <ol></ol>

    Unordered <ul></ul>


    1. beer
    2. steak
    3. dinosaur
    • beer
    • steak
    • dinosaur


    Other things in lists



    Key attributes - style, boarder


    HTML - TABLES ......Examples ....... 

    <table >
    Dinosaur Diet Roar
    Triceratops Herbivore Mild

    HTML - TABLES ......Examples ....... 

    <table >
    T-Rex Carnivore Loud
    Triceratops Herbivore Mild

    HTML - TABLES ......Examples ....... 

    <table >


    Dinosaur Diet Roar
    T-Rex Carnivore Loud
    Triceratops Herbivore Mild

    Website Design : Basics

    By Tom McCavana

    Website Design : Basics

    • 534