Lets hack MediaWiki

First night, live at IITM #iitwmhack

Tony Thomas, tony@thinkfoss.com

How boring is it ?

10 pm - 4 am
23 - 25 Jan
Hacking MW

$ whoami

  • CS Undergrad at Amrita University
  • Active FOSS@Amrita member
  • Develops in PHP and Python ( Django )

mild showoff

medium showoff

  • Considerable ( ~200 ) MediaWiki bug fixes since 2013  
  • GSoC 2014 student with Wikimedia, project deployed
  • Mentored GSoC 2015 with Wikimedia Foundation

advanced showoff

  • Outreachy organization admin, Wikimedia Foundation
  • Invited to talk at SFO, Lyon & to Wikimania ( Mexico )
  • Co-founded ThinkFOSS ( www.thinkfoss.com )

Torture Agenda

We are looking for experts in FOSS who are willing to teach and mentor

a bunch of students and spread awareness about FOSS.

Instead of focusing only on awareness, it would be better if participants are taught some topics on foss

and made to work on real life problems in foss.



we start

  • Git - Version control system for collaborative development
  • Mediawiki - Open Source wiki software, on which run the Wikipedia
  • Wikimedia Foundation - The organization which maintains MediaWiki and ~1000 popular wikis 
  • IRC - Internet Relay Chat, where developers hang out
  • Bug - issue in code which needs a patch
  • Patch - code change, which fix something 
  • GSoC - Paid Internship sponsored by Google
  • Outreachy - GSoC.remove(males);

What we will be doing..

  • Get to know Open Source projects

  • Get to know 'How to contribute'

  • Get your copy of an Open Source project* 

  • Contribute upstream

* using MediaWiki, the open source wiki software

Know and Contribute 

Warning : Boring slides ahead, please dont lookup

Open Source projects

  • Code available for public to alter
  • alteration made to public code - patch
  • Maintainers review,  merge and verify patch
  • Next release got the patch







Any minimum requirements ?

  • Find and get answers from Google
  • Should be cool with the project language
  • Be super expressive, ask questions in text


IRC Channels



if stuck:

By the end of night 1

  • Understand how basic web application works
  • Get to know git 


by night 2..

  • Setup gerrit and clone Mediawiki Core
  • Select simple bugs to work upon from Phabricator

and by night 3..

  • Work on your first bug, fix it
  • Work on your second bug, know about further steps

What is your take ?

  • Gather and improve your skills, not certs
  • Immediate and valid addition to your CV

and maybe one day ...

  • bet the star in your organization
  • join an org / start your own company 

surely, you can ..

  • Participate in GSoC/Outreachy programs
  • Travel abroad talking and having fun

Tools I will be using 

* and you will be forced to use :D 

  • Codeacademy 
  • try.github.io
  • Google

Lets join IRC 

#iitwmhack on freenode IRC

From this moment

Less talk, more code

Lets hack Mediawiki

By Tony Thomas

Lets hack Mediawiki

  • 1,283