The extensible Web summit

(what was it and why should I care?)

Dan Appelquist (Telefónica, TAG co-chair)

What happened?

  • The TAG ran a barcamp
  • The event was run along-side of our f2f meeting in San Francisco
  • (Context: the TAG has been doing developer outreach events along side our f2f meetings for a year)
  • We focused on topics close to our work in the TAG
  • Adobe hosted the event (Thanks!)
  • We wanted to bring together web developers, web platform developers and standards people
  • We invited a bunch of people we thought should come, and we opened it up to general registration as well
  • We had about 100 people there

Event format

We started with lightning talks, curated by the TAG group

We had an agenda-planning session

The rest was purely un-conference

We asked people to take minutes using an etherpad

All session topics were recorded on Lanyrd with links to minutes

We ended up with brief presentations on outcomes of sessions (and beer)

What some of topics were discussed?

The whole idea of web extensibility 
Service Worker
Web Components
“Installable” Webapps
Packaging on the Web
HTML Imports
Web Intents
What's Beneath the Bedrock? (slides)

(full list on Lanyrd)

Some notes

This event was non-normative

The idea was to inform the community but also to generate discussion

We wanted to get some people there who are not normally paying attention to standards

Lightning talks were used to set the scene

Low-cost, low-fuss, high-bandwidth




If you call something a “summit” people pay attention
(for better or for worse)

For future similar events we need to ensure people commit to running the sessions they propose

Lightning talks needed to be arranged sooner than the day before

Put more work into gender balance & diversity

More working groups should be doing this kind of thing


Dan Appelquist
AC Rep, Telefónica
W3C TAG Co-Chair


Extensible Web Summit:

(prepared with

Extensible Web Summit for W3C AC Meeting

By Daniel Appelquist

Extensible Web Summit for W3C AC Meeting

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