The Digital Innovation Platform

Mobile & IoT

Platform Built from Cloud Foundry without forking
App Runtime Cloud Foundry, Docker, OpenStack VM
Services IBM, 3rd Party and Open Source
Application Migration Users are free to move applications to other platform
- Cloud Foundry - Heroku & Pivotal WS (AWS)
- Docker - AWS, Azure, GCP, Digital Ocean, Softlayer
- OpenStack - Rackspace
Service API & Migration - Connectible via standard REST API (RESTful and RESTless) with standard authentication protocol (BASIC Auth or OAuth)
- All services are connectible from outside Bluemix
Database &
Data Migration
- All RDB connectible via standard JDBC.
- Open-source RDBs available (Postgres, MySQL)
- NoSQL connectible via API, built on opensource (CouchDB or mongoDB) without forking

How Open is Bluemix?

Establishing API Economy


By Touchapon Kraisingkorn


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