From Caesar to Modern Cryptography

Vini, Vidi, Vici
Julius Ceasar 100BC - 44BC

Tell Cleopatra,


Leave it to me sir!
Sgt. Pony 50BC-48BC

   Attack at dawn!             ATTACKATDAWN                                           

  I was never really on your side!
     Sgt. pony 50BC-48BC      

      They attack at dawn!                                 oh yea

What Caesar did


caesar_cipher("ATTACKATDAWN", 5)

We get, fyyfhpfyifbs

                                   Attack at dawn!                     fyyfhpfyifbs            Attack at Dawn!

Symmetric Pre-shared Keys

   Vigenère cipher

Cipher analysis

The use of cryptography was obscure

World War II 
(1939 - 1945)

The German Enigma Machine

Alan Turing

Bombe vs The Enigma 

      Modern day 



Key distribution problem


  1. Availability
  2. Scalability

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange


  1. Find a partner
  2. paint a small square with a yellow highlighter
  3. pick up a highlighter of another color
  4. color over the yellow square 
  5. trade your colored square with a partner
  6. receive your partner's colored square
  7. color over your partner's square with your highlighter
  8. get same colored square as your partner!


Shall we watch a video?
(It's a minute long)



         Plain text             -->     Caesar Cipher          Caesar Cipher          -->     Vigenere cipher Vigenere Cipher --> RSA (public key infrastructure)

Thank you

From Caesar to Modern CryptographyFrom Caesar to Modern Cryptography

By vampure

From Caesar to Modern CryptographyFrom Caesar to Modern Cryptography

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