CryptoNote Handout II
Sequoia Capital China
Total Supply: 18,446,744
Current Supply: 3,499,242 (19%)
PoW: CryptoNight
Price Per Unit: 0.00365
Market cap: 12,772 BTC
Minting period: 50% distributed within 365 days from current date. ~90% within 4 years.
Total Supply: 18,446,744
Current Supply: 1,480,408 (8%)
PoW: Wild Keccak
Price Per Unit: 0.000765
Market cap: 1,132 BTC
Minting period: 50% distributed within 3 years from current date. ~90% within 10 years
Pricing comparison
Currently we notice a significant difference between the pricing of these competing CryptoNote investment schemes
Boolberry Price-per-unit (PPU) is ~79% lower than Monero whilst the market cap is ~92% lower.
Currently Monero market cap is ~11.2x Higher than Boolberry. It should be noted that the block interval of Monero
is twice the rate of Boolberry, taking that into account Monero finalizes with ~5.64 x market cap
at the end of emission period (fully minted supply). Assuming no change in market conditions
This is a considerable discrepancy given the fundamentals. We consider high possibility of this gap decreasing.
We assume the reader is already comfortable with niche microcaps and introduced to cryptonote currency in particular
as per our previous paper
Mining pool rating: B
Large amount of mining pools to choose from, geographically diverse, multitude of pool-ops. Most pools offer some donation to dev team. Negative point is hashing power is concentrated amongst a few pools
Mining pool rating : C
Moderate amount of pools to choose from, geographically diverse. Negative point is choice of pools is not as large as with Monero, and hashing power is concentrated amongst a few pools.
Mining comparison - Pools
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin urna odio, aliquam vulputate faucibus id, elementum lobortis felis. Mauris urna dolor, placerat ac sagittis quis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin urna odio, aliquam vulputate faucibus id, elementum lobortis felis. Mauris urna dolor, placerat ac sagittis quis.
Mining client rating: C
Selection of CPU/GPU miners to choose from
(negative points for published closed source/ mandatory donation miners with as much as 5% being diverted to developer)
Miner clients rating: B
Selection of CPU/GPU miners to choose from
(all published miners are open-source & not diverting percentage of earnings to developer)
Mining comparison- Pickaxes
Rating: C
Blockchain can not be trimmed. Block interval is shorter resulting in a larger chain. Developers are aiming to reduce size by moving blockchain out of RAM and into embedded database. (This is a solution that could, and will be adopted by competing currencies without a hardfork)
Rating: B
Blockchain can, and has been trimmed: Resulting in a filesize reduction of up to 70% (before embedding into db). A competing coin will need to hardfork to emulate
Current blockchain size, XMR: ~2.5gb
Current blockchain size, BBR: ~296mb
Blockchain size comparison
Sync speed rating: C
Time: 02:38:06.53814 -> 02:40:47.293056,
161 seconds -
1568 transactions
(coinbase transactions not included)
Sync speed rating: A
Time: 02:42:48.239414 -> 02:43:28.121978,
40 seconds
1564 transactions (coinbase transactions not included)
BoolBerry blockchain syncs ~4x Faster .
(largely due to block interval and wild keccak PoW).
Blockchain size comparison
Usability: Officially command line only.
Unofficial third party GUI's released
Preview interface (placeholder) released
Aliasing: DNS TXT records (pro's: - no management required claimant disputes/lost alias, zero upkeep effort, low cost, portable ) cons (vulnerable to local attacks even with DNSSEC, Anonymity reduction ,linked to domain rather than nyms. E.G XMR: BBR: @microsoft)
Usability: GUI available by default
Aliasing: blockchain based (pro's - lower reduction in anonymity, no requirement for domain, @microsoft instead of (although both are possible) Cons- no owner verification, prone to the same lanbdgrab rushing as in domain name cybersquatting/twitter handles, if private keys are lost, no method to redirect alias.
Usability comparison
- Immature ecosystem
- Microcap, shallow market
- Not battle tested.
- Ripe for opportunites High risk- High return
- Scouting stage. Pitch deck OP.
- Capped A Rounds on-site < $80K. ACI only
Q4 2014: Launch of CryptoNote incubator
Seed allocated, pending review. Q1 2015. 1st Project, Boolberry stack.
See supporting documents: CNBP1.PDF
By Presentation
CryptoNote comparison
- 1,114