
NestedTypes 1.3 RC vs Backbone 1.2

Vlad "Gaperton" Balin & 




new Model(), 50K times


  • In Backbone:
    • model creation time is heavily dependent on number of attributes in the model;
    • for large models, it's slow, and will lock up your application when working with large collections.
  • In NestedTypes:
    • model creation time is barely affected by the size of the model;
    • it's order of magnitude faster.
  • Why it's important:
    • Object's creation time affects all operations with collections.

Why it's so fast

  • Constructor use short-path for attribute initialization instead of generic model.set()
  • NestedTypes uses model attribute's type specs to dynamically generate optimized code:
    • Attributes values are created using dynamically compiled loop-unrolled functions.
    • Attribute values stored in object created with dynamically compiled constructor instead of generic hash.

model.set( 'a1', number), 1M ops


  • In Backbone:
    • single-attribute model update is slow, and heavily dependent on number of attributes in the model.
  • In NestedTypes:
    • it's almost free, for any model;
    • whole backbone's update semantic is preserved;
    • in addition, NestedTypes perform run-time type checks and type conversions, providing you with the same contract as statically typed languages do. If attribute declared as Boolean, after any assignment it will be Boolean.
  • Why it's important:
    • It affects transformations of large collections.

Why it's so fast

  • Short-path implementation for single attribute assignment.
  • Type information is used to dynamically construct optimized code for particular model:
    • type-specific isChanged() function to detect attributes changes;
    • loop unrolled copy constructor is used to internally clone attribute's object;
    • lazy construction of `model.changed` hash;
    • non-polymorphic change events trigger functions.

Transactional 5-attr update, 1M ops


  • In Backbone:
    • Slow as hell.
  • In NestedTypes:
    • Order of magnitude faster with the same semantic + run-time type conversion and checks;
    • Blazing fast when using single-attribute update inside of transaction (NestedTypes' alternative to model.set({ attribute hash }) ).
  • Why it's important:
    • Affects consequent fetch time for collection.
    • Important for client-side manipulations with large collections.

Why it's so fast

  • Same reasons as for the single-attribute update.
  • Transactions are so fast because for-in loops through object hash are effectively avoided, which is very welcomed by V8 JIT.
  • Not to mention the fact that the code with transactions looks much better - the same as without them. 
model.transaction( () => {
    model.a = 1;
    if( model.d ){
        model.b = 2;
        model.c = 3;
} );
let attrs = { a : 1 };

if( model.d ){
    attrs.b = 2;
    attrs.c = 3;

model.set( attrs );


50K collection.reset


  • In Backbone:
    • Heavily dependent on model's size, UI is locked for seconds.
  • In NestedTypes:
    • Sub-second response, model size doesn't matter. 
  • Why it's important:
    • Ability to work with collections of 10K elements or larger.

Why it's so fast

  • Efficient memory management in new NestedTypes collections core, reducing unnecessary reallocations to minimum.
  • Model constructor optimizations described earlier.

50K collection.set (update)

  • In Backbone:
    • Update of populated collection is heavily dependent on model's size, UI is locked for seconds.
  • In NestedTypes:
    • Sub-second response, model size doesn't matter. 
  • Why it's important:
    • You want to update your collections without UI lockup, aren't you?


So, why it's so fast

Cause it's designed well, bro. :)




By Vlad Balin


  • 2,299