Let's Build A Graph

Joe Fleming

  • Software Engineer @ Sibi
  • WebDev for over a decade
  • Using GraphQL for ~3 months



  • What is GraphQL?
  • Cover Schema Definition Language (SDL)
  • Build a GraphQL Server with Apollo
  • Resolvers and Field Resolvers

Not Covered

  • "Advanced" GraphQL Concepts
    • Scalars
    • Directives
  • Authentication or Authorization
  • Caching & DDoS Prevention
  • Relay
  • TypeScript types generation

Graph, noun

The collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (such as a function)


An open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data


export default function talk() {
  return {
    title: "Let's Build a Graph",
    presenters: [{
      name: "Joe Fleming",
      alias: "w33ble"
type Talk {
  title: String!
  presenters: [Presenter]!
type Presenter {
  name: String!
  alias: String

type Query {
  talk: Talk!
export default function talk() {
  return {
    title: "Let's Build a Graph",
    presenters: [{
      name: "Joe Fleming",
      alias: "w33ble"
export default {
  Query: {
    talk() {
      return {
        title: "Let's Build a Graph",
        presenters: [{
            name: "Joe Fleming",
            alias: "w33ble"


Used to add, update, and delete data from your API. Equivalent to a PUT, POST, and DELETE requests in REST.


Reading data from your GraphQL API. Equivalent to a GET request in REST, used for reading data.

Always uses POST

It doesn't matter if you are querying or mutating data, all requests are POST requests

Your entire graph is accessible through a single endpoint, usually /graphql

Single Endpoint

  talk {
    presenters {
$ curl -XPOST \
  --url http://localhost:4000/graphql \
  -d '{"query":"{ talk { title, presenters { name, alias } } }"}'



Let's Build a Graph

By Joe Fleming

Let's Build a Graph

  • 1,041