Fuse Integration Service

Red Hat Middleware

Christina Lin

Before you begin...

Here are few things you will need to have:

  • Installed JBoss Developer Studio with Integration plugins
  • Download the following software
    • CDK 
      • OSX - RHEL VirtualBox
      • Linux - RHEL libvirt
      • Windows - RHEL VMWare 
    • OpenShift v3.1 Client
      • All three platform

Before you begin...

  • Download and install the VirtualBox virtualization software.
  • Download and install Vagrant.
  • For Windows: 
  • The rsync and ssh command-line utilities need to be installed.


Install JBoss Developer Studio 8.x with JBoss Fuse Tool Development plugin installed! 


Installing CDK

CDK is design for developers to easily setup OpenShift on their local environment

  • Unzip the CDK downloaded, and change directory to
  • Install Vagrant plugins 
  • Install Base Image to VagrantBox


  • Start up Vagrant environment


vagrant plugin install vagrant-registration vagrant-service-manager vagrant-adbinfo vagrant-sshfs
vagrant box add --name cdkv2 YOUR_DIR/rhel-cdk-kubernetes-7.2-21.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box
vagrant up

Setup CDK

  • Run the “export” output: 


vagrant provision
> ~/.bash_profile
> source ~/.bash_profile
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
vagrant adbinfo
  • Set environment data by running 
  • Restart Vagrant

Installing OpenShift Client

Unzip or untar the openshift client, and point your class parg to the client 



Start a new terminal, login with your client with user/pwd  admin/admin


oc login -u admin -p admin

Create Project/NameSpace

There are two ways you can create, with OpenShift Client or using OpenShift console. Here we are going to use Openshift Console

  • Attempt to login via the web browser: using user: admin password:admin
  • Create a project 'demo' in Openshift 
    • or can simple create the project via OpenShift Client

oc new-project demo

Install and setup AMQ

In the terminal where you previously login in with OpenShift client, run the following command to install AMQ, this is to install the AMQ template inside your local openshift 


Now go back to the OpenShift console in your browser, and add a new application to you project by clicking on new project

> oc project demo
> oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-openshift/application-templates/master/amq/amq62-basic.json

Install and setup AMQ

Inside project demo, create amq-basic pod, this will start up an message broker on the PaaS platform.

Install and setup AMQ

Inside project demo, create amq-basic pod, this will start up an message broker on the PaaS platform

You will be taken to a page to configure your broker. Name your broker name: broker with ID: admin Password:admin 

A Taste of Camel

This lab is set out for people has previous experience of Camel, don't worry if you don't, because coding with Camel is a piece of cake! Let's try to create a simple application exposing an Restful interface.  In JBoss Developer Studio, create a new project:

New -> Other -> Maven Project

A Taste of Camel

select java-camel-spring as archetypes, 


A Taste of Camel

Enter Group Id: com.redhat

and Artifact Id: cardealerdemo-sales to create the project. 


Once the project has successfully built, under src/main/java create a new class: 

Package: com.redhat.fis.dms.model

Class Name: Opportunity

Copy the content from the URL and paste in the java bean :


A Taste of Camel

And Create another file: 

Package: com.redhat.fis.dms.mockprocessor

Class Name: OpportunityGenerator

Copy the content from the URL and paste in the java bean :


A Taste of Camel

Go to camel-context.xml under src/main/resources/META-INF/spring

Right click on the canvas and remove route

Configure bean to inject your Camel context:

<bean id="opportunityGenerator" 

Back to design, create a route that retrieve input data and parse it with the processor we create! 

A Taste of Camel

  • Route ID: inputReport
    • File Component:
      • Directory Name: reportfolder
    • Log Component:
      • Message:${body}
    • Split Component:
      • Expression:/opportunities/oppo
      • Language:xpath

A Taste of Camel

Create a folder called xml and place the xml schema in the project:

Go back to the route: 

Data Transformation Component

Transformation ID: oppo

Source Type: XML

Target Type: Java

A Taste of Camel

Select xml/opp.xml.xsd to XML Schema

Select com.redhat.fis.dms.model.Opportunity

in Target Class

A Taste of Camel

Match variables between source and target

A Taste of Camel

This what your XML looks like.

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<endpoint uri="dozer:oppo?sourceModel=generated.Oppo&
unmarshalId=generated&mappingFile=transformation.xml" id="oppo"/>

    <jaxb contextPath="generated" id="generated"/>

<route id="inputReport">
    <from uri="file:reportfolder"/>
    <log message="${body}"/>
      <to ref="oppo"/>

A Taste of Camel

But Spring Context is different, please change to this:

<bean id="dozer" class="org.apache.camel.converter.dozer.DozerTypeConverterLoader" />
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">

    <jaxb contextPath="generated" id="generated"/>

<route id="inputReport">
    <from uri="file:reportfolder"/>
    <log message="${body}"/>
      <to uri="dozer:oppo?sourceModel=generated.Oppo&

A Taste of Camel

Add last component to the route:

Bean Component

  • Bean Name: opportunityGenerator
  • Bean Type: addOpportunity(${body})

Add route on Canvas:

A Taste of Camel

  • Route ID: salesTracking
    • Direct Component:
      • Name: salesTracking
    • Bean Component:
      • Bean Name: opportunityGenerator
      • Method: getAllList
    • Marshal Component:
      • select: json
      • Library: Jackson

      • Check prettyPrint

A Taste of Camel

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
  <restConfiguration component="jetty" port="9191"/>
  <rest path="/AutoDMS">
    <get uri="/salesTracking">
      <to uri="direct:salesTracking"/>

A Taste of Camel

Make sure all dependency are in the pom.xml


A Taste of Camel

Export ports for the maven plugin:


A Taste of Camel

Set port under properties


Configure service

A Taste of Camel

Go to the project url under terminal and run:

mvn -Pf8-local-deploy

You should be able to see the deployed application on OpenShift

A Taste of Camel

Push the xml to the report directory in OpenShift Pod using:

oc rsync ./local/dir/ POD:/remote/dir

oc rsync /Desktop/reportfolder/ cardealerdemo-sales-uifn7:/deployments/reportfolder 

The XML can be download here:

A Taste of Camel

Go to following URL to see the output:


Installing Projects

Git clone the following repository into your IDE:



Right click on the project explorer page, select import to import the project

Select Project from Git

Installing Projects

Next, click on select clone URI 

Paste the git URL into URL location, and enter yout github account

Installing Projects

Select "Master" as branch and process to next step.

Click on import existing project, and also select the  jboss-fis-autodealer working directory

Installing Projects

Select all four projects, and click Finished! 

Browse through the projects

Building Projects

In a new terminal, go to where you have store your source code.Select THREE following application from source projects, 

  • cardealerdemo-alert
  • cardealerdemo-gps
  • cardealerdemo-inventory

In this terminal, make sure you have set the Docker settings if you have not set it to your system path



and login using OpenShift client again.

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
oc login

Building Projects

Fro each project, 

  • cardealerdemo-alert
  • cardealerdemo-gps
  • cardealerdemo-inventory


 mvn -Pf8-local-deploy

Building Projects

Login to OpenShift console , you should be able to see all services are up and running 

Installing web 

We are going to use the source to image to build and deploy the web application on to OpenShift, in the terminal you are running the Openshift client , run


> oc new-project phpdemo
> oc project phpdemo
> oc new-app --image-stream=openshift/php:latest --name=mydemo --code=https://github.com/weimeilin79/jboss-fis-autodealerweb.git

Make sure the pod is up and running 

Running Tests

Let's see how the sales service with Client GUI connected to the exposed API

Exposing the mydemo php service by entering following command:

> oc expose service mydemo


Running Tests

GPS service -Test with web application

Running Tests

Inventory service, are expose as Restful endpoint, to test it, simply access via a browser with following url

Rolling upgrade

Let's start by adding more pods to one of your application, so in the OpenShift console overview tab, find the inventoryservice and add more pods. 

In your browser, go to 


multiple times and see how load was redirect to pods

Rolling upgrade


If your load was not evenly spread out, that is maybe you are using the same session, try with another browser with new session

Rolling upgrade

Now, we want to mark all cars on sale in this API, by adding an ONSALE phrase infront of the vehicleId, so go to the inventory service project in your IDE, under src/main/java open com.redhat.fis.dms.mockprocessor.VehicleGenerator.java


return car;}

Rolling upgrade


In the project pom.xml change the fabric8.replicas

from 2 to 5 


Rolling upgrade

And go back to your project terminal under cardealerdemo-inventory project , run

> mvn install
> mvn docker:build
> mvn fabric8:json
> mvn fabric8:apply -Dfabric8.rolling=true

Rolling upgrade

Rolling upgrade

Bring down the running pods to just one remaining

B/G Testing

From previous upgrade example, we want to have a more graceful way to move from one deployment to another, specially in production, we want to be able to have some time for a quick test before we launch to the users.


In the terminal where you previously installed OpenShift Client, run 


or go to OpenShift Console, and select "Browse" -> "Routes" 
> oc get routes

B/G Testing

As you can see, the a route name  inventoryservice is mapped to service inventoryservice

Go back to your IDE, this time, we are going to remove the "SALE" we added, but instead of publishing it directly, we are going to do something different.


First, in POM.xml add V2 in your service name



B/G Testing

And reduce the running pod to 1 by editing 




B/G Testing

In the inventory project under src/main/java open com.redhat.fis.dms.mockprocessor.VehicleGenerator.java

remove or mark 




B/G Testing

And go back to your project terminal under cardealerdemo-inventory project , run



You will see two services with two route, 

  • inventoryservice
  • inventoryservicev2
> mvn -Pf8-local-deploy

B/G Testing

For B/G testing, in env A, call 


it will have "SALE" infront of vehicle id, 


In env B, call


it will NOT have "SALE" infront of vehicle id

B/G Testing

To point from A route to B service, go to your OpenShift client terminal, first run 




and then start editing the route by typing




and it will take you to edit where the route pointed to.

> oc get routes 
> oc edit route inventoryservice

B/G Testing

Change the service name to inventoryservicev2

B/G Testing

Should be able to see now the route in env A returns the result without "SALE" in front of vehicle id



Fuse Integration Service

By weimeilin

Fuse Integration Service

  • 2,738