Exploring hospital violations with Elasticsearch



Ask yourself:


Where is the community that needs this tool?


What function or need does it address?


What is the discussion in the community? 


Note: I've included addendum material in all basement slides. Check it out!

Ask yourself:


Does this already exist?


If so, how does it address a need?


What is the discussion in the community?


Code Newbie Podcast:

Ep. 9 - How To Build A Product



There's a lot of CMS data, let's see if we can navigate it using elasticsearch

Goal: Create a product to more easily navigate text data

Sub-goal: Learn elasticsearch, have fun!

The data, the framework, the engine

  • Data: Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (publicly available!)
  • Framework: Rails
    • Gems used: Elasticsearch, Chewy
    • Gems to use: Kibana-rack 
  • Library: Elasticsearch

Check out these Gems at RubyGems.org

The difficulties

  • Data: 
    • CSV to JSON: What about a lot of CSV?
      • Discussion point: Is public data that is extremely difficult to use truly public?
    • Seeding the database!
  • Elasticsearch:
    • Use ELK stack, the console, something else? 
  • Constraints:
    • Tip, try not to complete your slides in a night. 
      • Or the benefits of starting early and getting a draft out. 

Publicly Available Data?

Build it, 

break it. 

Build it again. 

Elastic Rails

#Elasticsearch gem
gem 'elasticsearch', '~> 1.0.6'
gem 'elasticsearch-model'
gem 'elasticsearch-rails'
#Chewy for log handling
gem 'chewy', '~> 0.6.0'
def search
  if params[:query].nil?
    @hospitals = []
    @hospitals = Hospital.search params[:query]
require 'elasticsearch/model'
class Hospital < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Elasticsearch::Model
  include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks
Hospital.import # for auto sync model with elastic search

All-in-all Ruby had the better free online tutorials.


Discussion point: Will those with more clear, free, tutorials win out?




Search Controller

Hospital Model

Ruby Conf 2013: Elasticsearch Demo


 New Relic Walkthrough




It's built, time to break.

Does this achieve the purpose we laid out for it at the beginning? 


What if I add this additional functionality...

def self.search(query)
      query: {
        multi_match: {
          query: name,
          fields: ['name^10', 'name']
      highlight: {
        pre_tags: ['<em>'],
        post_tags: ['</em>'],
        fields: {
          name: {},
          hospital: {}

Build it again.

Doesn't work, let's go back

Next Steps

  • Mountains beyond mountains:
    • Of data, and it's scattered and disparate
  • Expanding functionality:
    • Making the search smarter, highlighting queries, etc.
  • Datapalooza: 
    • Let's start a team. 
      • Last year's info: http://healthdatapalooza.org/get-involved/code-a-palooza-at-health-datapalooza-2014/

Will Sankey

wsankey@gmail.com; @wsankey; willsankey.com

TrackMaven Meetup Deck 11/12/2014

By William Sankey

TrackMaven Meetup Deck 11/12/2014

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