High Order Component

High Order


What is High Order Function?

A function that does at least one of the following:

  • Takes one or more functions as arguments,
  • Returns a function as its result.


const map = (mapper) => (array) => {
  const result = [];
  for (item in array) {
  return result;

const add = (m) => (n) => m + n;
const add4 = add(4);
add4(2); // 6

Why High Order Function?

  • Make logic more flexible
  • Enhancement


const mapArgument = (argumentMapper) => (targetFunction) => {
  return (arg) => targetFunction(argumentMapper(arg));

const consoleNumber = number => console.log(`The number is: ${number}`);
const enhance = mapArgument(number => number * number);
const consoleDoubledNumber = enhance(consoleNumber);

consoleNumber(2) // The number is: 2
consoleDoubledNumber(2) // The number is: 4

High Order Component

What is High Order Component?

A higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.


import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const User = ({ username }) => <div>The user is: {username}</div>;
const UserPage = connect(
  ({ state }) => ({ username: state.user.username })

Why High Order Component?

Share the same logic around components


connect(state => ({ 
  firstName: state.user.firstName, 
  lastName: state.user.lastName 
  withHandler({ onClick: () => {} })(
    withProps(({ firstName, lastName }) => 
    ({ name: `${firstName} ${lastName}` }))(
      pure(({ name, onClick }) => (
        <div onClick={onClick}>The user is: {name}</div>



import { compose, withHandler, withProps, pure } from 'recompose';

  connect(state => ({ 
    firstName: state.user.firstName,
    lastName: state.user.lastName,
  withHandler({ onClick: () => {} }),
  withProps(({ firstName, lastName }) => ({ 
    name: `${firstName} ${lastName}`,
)(({ name, onClick }) => (
  <div onClick={onClick}>The user is: {name}</div>


  • Extract all the logics out of view, make view as functional stateless component
  • When all the logics are in the same place, it will be easy to find the duplicated logics and extract them
  • With compose, we can easily reuse logics. Just compose them together

Thanks & QA

High Order Component

By zation

High Order Component

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