• How To Find A Software Developer Job

  • Acme

  • HTMX and Node.js/Bun: Un Duo dinámico Para DesarrolloWeb

  • Type Checking And Type Safety Without Typescript

  • Optimizing Node.js REST API Development: Best Practices Unveiled

  • HTMX and Node.js/Bun: A Dynamic Duo for Web Development

  • Bun: The New Javascript Runtime

    Bun is a new JavaScript runtime that is generating a lot of excitement in the developer community. It is designed to be fast, lightweight, and efficient, and it offers a number of features that are not available in other JavaScript runtimes.

  • Unit Test en Node.js

  • Cómo estructurar un proyecto con clean arquitecture usando DDD

  • Node.js REST API Good Practices

  • Introducción a Node.js

  • Como construir un paquete npm con TypeScript y TDD

  • Express REST API in Docker

  • Copy of Web Development In Windows

    Developing Web projects in Windows has not always been well seen by many devs, sometimes due to ignorance of the OS itself; My goal is to demystify this concept and show how this aspect has changed in recent years, showing the tools needed to do it in the better way.

  • Web Components

  • Node.js Development In Windows

    Developing Node.js projects on Windows has not always been welcomed by many developers, sometimes due to inexperience with the operating system; my goal is to demystify this concept and show how this aspect has changed in recent years, showing the necessary tools to do it in the best way.

  • Talk Template

  • Microservices With Node.js

  • Node.js Introduction

  • Git Workflow

  • Angular Observable Data Services

    Angular Observables Data Services Talk for Angular Week 2018

  • TypeScript Workshop

  • Bash On Ubuntu On Windows

  • deck

  • VS Code for PHP

  • VP Talk - AngularJS 2

  • Lycaon Pictus

  • AngularJS 2

  • React

  • Make me Hapi

  • Fat-free PHP

  • Windows Phone 8.1, apps con HTML 5, JavaScript y css3


    Presentación para la comunidad Medellín PHP de la librería ReactPHP

  • Yii framework

  • Node.js

  • jQuery