htmx and Node.js/Bun: A Dynamic Duo

Álvaro José Agámez Licha

Senior Software Developer

A Lot Of Memes Ahead

  • React Frontend developers don't take it personally.
  • Nobody take it personally.
  • Let's enjoy and learn.


What is htmx?

htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext. htmx is small (~14k min.gz’d), dependency-free, extendable.

htmx Forces A Mental Change

Why should you use htmx?

How Did We Get Here?

Are You Serious?

Six Bullet Points Why htmx Is Great


  • Lightweight
  • Easy to learn
  • Seamless integration with existing code

javascript fatigue:
longing for a hypertext
already in hand


How does htmx use Ajax?

  • hx-get: issues a GET request to a specified URL.
  • hx-post: issues a POST request to a stated URL.
  • hx-put: issues a PUT request to a certain URL.
  • hx-patch: issues a PATCH request to a set URL.
  • hx-delete: issues off a DELETE request to a declared URL.


How does htmx use Ajax?


How does htmx use Ajax?


How does htmx use Ajax?

Use Cases

  • Real-time updates.
  • Form submission.
  • Progressive enhancement.
  • Information oriented apps.
  • Improve rendering performance.

Simplicity in Web Development

Simplicity in Web Development

{htmx In Production}

We took the plunge and replaced the 2-year-of-work React UI of our SaaS product with simple Django templates and htmx in a couple of months. We’d like to share our experience with you, with concrete indicators on various aspects, and convince your CTO!

{From React To htmx}

Let's Allow htmx To Bring Happiness Again.

You get htmx, you get htmx, everybody get htmx!!!


htmx is a powerful tool for creating interactive web applications with ease.

Code Time

HTMX and Node.js/Bun: A Dynamic Duo for Web Development

By Alvaro Agamez

HTMX and Node.js/Bun: A Dynamic Duo for Web Development

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